THE nm DMA BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper._ Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol- 26—No. Ill TRYON, N. C. MONDAY, JULY 6TH7~1953 Published Daily Except fEst. 1-31-28]Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 Weather Friday: High 95, low 68; Rel. Hum. 56; Saturday high 89, low 69, rain .04, Rel. Hum. 70; Sunday high 89, low 68, rain .44, Rel. Hum. 70 . . . The Asso ciated Press reports 220 deaths in holiday accidents during the July 4th week-end. . . World poli tical leaders still conferring . . . Mass inoculation against polio be gins today at Lenoir, N. C. Doc tors irom Duke Medical School, Bowman Gray Medical School and the University of North Carolina are assisting . . . Hearing on charges to oust Sheriff Loyd B. Panther of Polk County are being held today before Judge J. Will Pless .... Demos Woods, 56, charged with killing Sheriff Grif fin C. Middleton of Jackson Coun ty, has confessed. Sheriff Middle ton’s widow has been appointed flby the County Commissioners to fill out the unexpired term . . . Through funds raised in the Eas ter Seal Sales sponsored by the North Carolina Society for Crip pled Children and Adults, the Asheville Orthopedic Hospital has been able to add an additional therapist to its staff. Contributions from Polk County Citizens helped raise $2,330 for this purpose. The hospital has treated over 37000 patients since it opened in 1938. Patients have come from 40 eoun - - - Continued on Back Page_ Bulletin Trading Value To Be Up In California Gordon and Bill Burgett, grand sons of Mrs. Ruth Gordon of Try on and twin sons of M!r. and Mrs. William Burgett of Des Plaines, 111., are leaving in a few days for the National Boy Scout Jam boree. They will take along a supply of Tryon Daily Bulletins to trade with Boy Scouts from other parts of the nation who will have something different to ex change. The. first time The Bulletin was used in this kind of trading was 16 years ago at the National Jam boree in Washington, D. C. Tryon Bop Scouts going to the Jamboree include Eagle Scout Shield Flynn, and Life Scouts Harold Gallimore, and Carl Pace. NYE—ADAMS Mrs. Cuyler Culver Adams of Tryon and the Reverend Rowland P. Nye of Reno, Nevada, former rector of St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church, Lyndhurst, N. J., were united in marriage in Reno on July 3rd. HOSPITAL NEWS New patients at St. Luke’s Hos pital include Miss Betty Pate of R-l, Landrum. Patients discharged include Mrs. Edward Gass, Mrs. Christine Young, Mrs. Thomas Huntsinger, Lonnie Morgan, Eulas Kirkendoll of Tryon; Mrs. Boyce Bagwell, Landrum; John C. Fowler, Cam potbello; Mrs. Dolley Collins, Greer. The Hester-Wilkins Circle of the First Baptist Church will meet Tuesday at 3:30 at the church. Mrs. James Lankford and Mrs. W. B. Parker are the hostesses.