TUG TBYON DAILY BULLETIN The World’8 Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 114 TRYON, N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 9TH, 1953 Published Daily Except { Est. 1-31-28]Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 CURB REPORTER Weather Wednesday: High 88, low 68, Rel. Hum. 68. ■ In some places in Polk County last night it was cold . . . Largest copper head snake ever reported in South Carolina was killed Wednesday in Columbia. He was 44% inches long . . . Peace talks begin again. Tito of Yugoslavia thinks chances for permanent peace in Europe better . . . Master Point duplicate . bridge Friday night at Oak Hall. Tryon women golfers will go to Asheville Friday for the Associa tion tournament at the Country* I Club. Mrs. Charles C. Stratford I has been added to the list of play- | ers going. . . . Charlotte Observer reports that former Mayor Ben E. Douglas is slated to be named head of the Department of Con- I servation and Development . . Dr. j and Mrs. George F. Taylor' are I staying at Hendersonville Sunshine | Lodge while Dr. Taylor is teaching j at Kanuga for 10 days. THE SUMMER JOB AND A TAX HURDLE One of the most frustrating ex periences of youth is that of a col lege or high school student trying to get a summer job. Time was when a boy with a bike could nearly always find something to do during the vacation months, but in this motorized and mechanized arn. arranging their vacation schedule so that they do not need ex+m| help to fill in, with the result that this source of employment is $lso disappearing. A young man^ or woman, therefore, must hun^ for seasonal employment in resprts and national parks, or, failing that, — Continued on Back Page___ Rotary Club Reorganizes The newly installed president of the Tryon Rotary Club, George C. Vance, will have his organizational meeting Friday at 1 p. m. at Oak Hall Hotel at which time he will announce committee appointments for the new Rotary year. President Vance is a native of Southern Ohio, went to high school at Hillsboro, Ohio; worked with the founders of LaSalle Extension University; saw service in World War I; became associated with In ternationai Accountants Society Inc., a Chicago correspondence school of accounting with Alexander Hamilton Insti tute of New York. This merger was dissolved in 1938 and Mr. Vance became vice-president of IAS until his retirement to Tryon. He is still a director of IAS. Since moving to Tryon he has been a leader in the Episcopal Church as treasurer and vestry man; in the Rotary club as vice president, committee chairman and editor of the club bulletin. St Luke’s Hospital, Horse Show, Little Theatre and numerous other civic organizations have benefited from his art work which he fol lows as a hobby. Other new officers are Craig Furr, vice president; James B. Pruitt, secretary-treasurer. HOSPITAL NEWS New patients at St. Luke’s Hos pital include Wm. J. Whitesides, Ridge Spring, S. C., and Tom Blackwell of Mill Spring. Patients discharged include Ir vin Brown of Mill Spring. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller of Greensboro are arriving Thursday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Burwell.