THE TRYOW DULY BULLETIN The World's Smallest daily Newspwper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 115 TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY, JULY 10TH, 1953 Published Daily Except LEst. 1-31-28]_■ Saturday and Sunday_[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _AT tryon, n. c. under the act of congress, march 3, 1879 £ Weather Thursday: High 90, low 64, Rel. Hum. 52. . . Beria, one of the top three rulers of Russia, loses out, and will be tried for treason. . . . Tryon Volunteer Fire Department was called out about midnight Thursday to the Maurice Puckett tenant house on Howard Gap Road, occupied by Burgess Patton and family. A hot electric wire started the fire. Little dam age done. . . . Duplicate bridge tonight at 7:45 at Oak Hall . . . . LEAVE FOR JAMBOREE Boy Scouts Shields Flynn, Har old Gallimore and Carl Pace all of Troop No. 1, Tryon, will leave Sunday morning for the National J Bov Scout Jamboree in Jamboree, Calif., a special city being built of tents to house 50,000 Scouts ! and officials. Roads, water and electric system have been built al most overnight. Officials state that it will take 100 tons of meat to feed the boys the week they are in camp, arid over a half million quarts of milk. B. B. Flynn will take the Tryon j Scouts’ baggage to Gastonia the night before. Mr. and Mrs. G. T,. | Pace who will be enroute to their ! vacation at Pawley’s Island and Myrtle Beach, will take the Scouts J to Gastonia Sunday morning. The Scouts are taking along a number -Continued on Back Page_ COLUMBUS PLANNING COMMUNITY CENTER By Mrs. Edward Staggs. A group of enthusiastic citizens of Columbus met at the Firemen’s Hall Thursday night to complete plans for the construction of a community building at the old Denton Spring Park. This build ing to be a 30x40 concrete block structure. Various clubs and re ligious organizations were repre sented and both labor and finan cial pledges were given for the work to continue. The young men’s Bible Class of the Baptist Church have done much toward this pro ject toy having the road to the park worked and paid for, buldozing the ground for the building. The class was represented by Willie West. councilman Douglas Roper spoke of the future upkeep of the park and pledged cooperation* from the town in many ways including ex tending water mains to the pro ject. F. M. Burgess and J. A. ^1-1 son a committee from the Presbyterian Church offered whole hearted cooperation. Mrs. C. 0. Jordan represented the Columbus Garden Club and Columbus civic clubs. The Garden. Club agreed to furnish shrubs and plants for the beautification and club members will do the planting. Mrs. W. W. Breazeal, president of the Outlook Club, also offered to join in the landscaping and also in cash donations. Plans were made for benefit en tertainment to raise funds for the project. N. R. Rector Sr., of St. Peters burg, Fla., is visiting his family in Tryon and Spartanburg.