Published Daily Except i Est. 1-31-28]Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] Entered as second class matter august 20, 1928, at the postoffice _at tryon, n. c. under the act of congress, march 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 120 TRYON, N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 16TH, 1953 Weather Wednesday: High 85, low 64, rain .13, Rel. Hum. 75. We need more rain for growing things . . . Peter Pan is at the Tryon Theatre is the big attraction Thursday and Friday. Duplicate Bridge at Oak Hall Friday. Joe Kerby has charge of the Rotary club program Friday at 1 p. m. at Oak Hall. His subject wasn’t available at press time. Thanks to Bob Pelkey for clipping from the Cleveland Press which states that Stanley Buckingham of Tryon has been honored by election to honor ary life membership in the Na tional Building Owners and Mana gers Assn. The Pelkeys recently bought Hallelujah Hill on Skyuka road and expect to spent some time here . . . Tryon Lions Club still has 400 brooms and only 40 mats to sell for benefit of the blind . . . Next week and only for one week 24 Brownies will be at the Girl Scout Camp on Lake Lanier. Any other Brownies who have not registered should do so now right away with Mrs. Wofford Foster, nhone 140-J. . . Hurray! the Methodist Ice Cream Supper brought $7J. at Harmon Field on Wednesday, leaving a net of $65 besides a lot of fun, fellowship and revival of pleasant memories. Chris Johnson is spending a week at Myrtle Beach. POLK SOLDIER WOUNDED Pvt. W. H. Pace of Saluda was wounded in action in Korea on July 8th, the family has been ad vised by the Defense Department. Pace is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Weston Pace of Saluda. He suffered wounds in the right arm and neck.—Asheville Citizen. BOY SCOUTS IN CAMP Boy Scouts at the Piedmont Council camp on Lake Lanier this week include Troops 6 and 10 of Statesville; 1 of Mt. Mourne; 22 of Gastonia; 1 of Cherryville, Ellenboro, Caroleen, Columbus; 1 and 2 of Henrietta and 2 and 3 of Spindale. No troops accepted from Cald well and Catawba counties on account of the polio ban there. BIRTHDAY FOR SMITHS Smith’s Super Market of Co lumbus is celebrating its Fourth Anniversary this week-end with a big sale and Paul and Cecil Smith have a double page ad in today’s Bulletin inviting the public to participate. Paul and Cecil Smith, sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith of Tryon Route No. 1, are ex-service men. Upon their return thev opened a grocery business in the Pattie building. A few months ago they completed a modern super market and had a grand opening. They received the congratulations of the Columbus Chamber of Commerce and other business houses on their progress. Mrs. Esther Miller will have as guests this week-end Mrs. W. B. Key Jr., and daughter, Miss Betsy Key of Rock Hill, S. C.