Published Daily Except L’Est. 1-31-28]Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] Entered as second class matter august 20, 1928, at the postoffice _at tryon, n. c. under the act of congress, march 3, 1879 THE nm DAILY BilLLETIA The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 119 TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY, JULY 17TH7~1953 Federation Picnic In Columbus Broilers are being dressed at the rate of 35 a minute at the Farm ers Federation’s Asheville poultry processing plant, .said James G. K. McClure, president, at the organ ization’s Polk picnic held at Co lumbus Wednesday. The program featured outstand ing entertainers including Pan handle Pete, the one-man band; Patsy Messer, acrobatic star; Alec Houston, ventriloquist; Mrs. Cleo ueer, polyphonetic imitations. Among the other entertainers were Ruth Ann Ross, Susie Gilliam from Columbus and Mill Spring; Jack Cothran and Roland Crocker, guitar players from Spartanburg; Henry and James Metcalf of Sa luda; Barbara Case of Columbus; the Green's Creek choir which won' first place for its fine singing; the Brush Arbor Tabernacle choir, second; and the Staton quartet which won first prize in the quar tet competition. Among picnickers who walked off with cash prizes were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hall whose five children, made up the largest family pres ent; Andrew Gibbs, 92, who was the oldest person at the picnic; Mr. and Mrs. Berlin White, who won a prize for being married 47 years; L. A. Harmon who received an'award for loading 57 people on his truck and bringing them to the picnic. HOSPITAL NEWS Patients admitted to St. Luke's Hospital include Mrs. Monte Ded man. Tryon: Mrs. J. B. Atkins, Landrum. Mrs. Bessie Jackson, R-l, Landrum, was discharged. Mr. and Mrs. Doc Cunningham of Tryon are parents of a daughter born July 17th, at 2:56 a. m. ? no ! COLUMBUS NEWS NOTES By Mrs. Edward Staggs. Mrs. S. E. Waldrop and daugh ter of Rutherfordton were week end guests of Mrs. J. A. Feagan. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Earley of Asheville, Mrs. B. Currenne of Conway, N. C., and Jerry Ashley are visiting Mrs. Charlie Ashley. Fred and Larry Ashley are spending several days camping at Lake Adger. Mrs. Willie Spurlin is confined to her home because of illness. The W. M. S. of the Columbus Baptist Church met Monday after noon with Mrs. Mollie Shields. Mrs. John A. Arledge is program chair man. Those taking" part in the program were Mrs. Mary Walden, Mrs. Charlie Blanton, Mrs. Jim Ormand, Mrs. L. D. Leppard, Mrs. Virgil Case and Mrs. Arledge. Re freshments were served. The Outlook Book Club met on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. E. Blanton. Mrs. W. W. Breazeal, president, presided. Dur ing the business two new members were voted into the club. They were Mrs. John Rezab and Mrs. Hugh Walker. Mrs. Charlie Feagan gave the “Life of Abraham Lincoln’s Wife.” Following the meeting a social period was enjoyed. Presbyterian Women’s Circle No. 1 met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Sonny Bruce. Mrs. Bailey, mother of the Rev. T. C. Bailey, pastor of the church, was a guest. Circle No. 2 met Tuesday night with Mrs. Wm. A. McFarland. Mrs. Jim Shannon was in charge of the program. Ed Halford returned home on Mondav from Greenville hospital where he had an apnendectomy. -Continued on Page Two_