IE st. 1-31-281 Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE at tryon, n. c. UNDER THE act OF CONGRESS, march 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 124 TRYON, N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1953 Weather Wednesday: high 82, low 71, rain 1.25, Rel. Hum. 90. . . An important thing in this area tonight is the Safety meeting at 7:30 at the Tryon School audi torium sponsored by the Blue Ridge Safety Council. In order to help, you save the lives of your children or prevent serious injury the council is offering free enter tainment and free refreshments to all persons interested in pro moting safely in the home, in in dustry and on the highway. A safety expert from Charlotte will address the meeting. The. Hi Neighbor quartet will entertain the group after which all will go to the cafeteria for refreshments. Three good reasons for going and it may save the life of a loved one . . . Prime Minister Winston Churchill has asked for a change of British government rules in or der to alow Princess Margaret to marry a divorced man, Capt. Town send, a commoner . . . Tonight is the night of the Hiawatha I pageant at the Boy Scout Camp on Lake Lanier. It is better than ever and is drawing larger crowds. Weather permitting it will be pre sented around 8 o'clock in the am phitheatre. Public invited. f Of North Carolina’s estimated 4,000,000 people, approximately 1,347,000 live on farms. Rotary Meets Friday Paul E. Cluberson, Polk County Farm Agent, will be in charge of the Tryon Rotary Club program Friday at 1 p. m., but has not an nounced his subject or plans. MRS. JOEL SHERFEY Mrs. Margaret Sherfey, 93, passed away Wednesday night af ter an extended illness at the home of a daughter, Mrs. M. D. Edwards Sr. She was a native of Blountville, Tenn., and had made her home in this area a number of years. She was the widow of the late Rev. Joel Sherfey and a member of the Church of the Bre thren. Surviving are. three daughters: Mrs. C. O. Gilbert, Dade City, Fla., Mrs. Curtis Garrett, Saluda and Mrs. M. D. Edwards Sir., Tryon; eleven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Friday at 2 p. m. at the McFar land Funeral Home with the'Rev. E. D. Dietz and the Rev. Jack Guf fey officiating. Burial will be at Fr endship Baptist Church, Salu da. Grandsons will be pallbearers. New arrivals at the Saluda Inn are- Mrs. Mary Butts, Holy wood, Fla., Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Tuck, Pembroke, Va., Mrs. Minnie L. Waring, Columbia, S. C., John J. McKee, Lorain, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. John Pruitt and three sons, John, George, and Allen, of Decatur, Ga., Dr. J. R. Sipencer and A. M. Spen cer Jr. of South Mills, N. C., Mrs. Gladys Drouth, of Jacksonville, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gilmore of Atlanta, Ga. Drive safely, the life you save may be your own.