Published Daily Except 1 Est. 1-31-28]_Saturday and Sunday_[5c Per Copy] entered as second class matter august 20, 1928, at the postoffice _at tryon, n. c. under the act of congress, march 3, 1879 THE THVOfll DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 128 TRYON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 19&3 Weather Tuesday: High 93, low 66, Rel. Hum. 56. . . Exchange of war prisoners expected to begin next week, Aug. 5th, when 3,313 Americans'will be in the group headed for home eventually . . .The time distance from New England to old England has been cut to four and three-fourths hours, ac cording to the record of a jet bomb er which flew Tuesday from Maine to Fairford, England, a distance oK 2,925 miles at an average of 616 miles per hour. Some contrast with the voyage of the Pilgrims. Should modern pilgrims land in America and find things unsatisfactory they could fly back before night in time lor dinner .... Iryon lolk wnl be given an opportunity to show their attractive homes to the visit ing doctors and wives of the Salu dq Pediatric Seminar when they make a tour of the community on Wednesday morning, August 5th. The tour is being sponsored by the Tryon Women’s Golf Association of which Miss Elena Garcia is president. Various committees are being appointed to extend every courtesy possible to the guests. The annual coming of the doctors and their families to Saluda for several weeks each summer is an asset to the entire area and sows seeds for enduring friendships throughout the Sbuth and other -Continued on Page Two_ DANCE FOR DOCTORS The Sleminar is sponsoring a dance for the doctors attending the Southern Pediatric Seminar at Saluda Thursday at 8:30 p. m. The Brookshire boys will provide the music and the public is invited. Art of Living At Kiwanis Hans Walker, American Oil Co., representative of Spartanburg was the guest speaker at the Tryon Kiwanis Club Tuesday at 1 p. m. at Oak Hall hotel with Roy France in charge of the program. Mr. Walker’s theme was that money didn’t make success or hap piness and cited examples of men who went to the top in making money and then toppled as suicides, bankrupts, banished or in prison because they had not learned the art of living a normal useful life and .a friend to their fellowman. Visiting Kiwanians included Joe Fox of Asheville and Philip Pal mer of Fort -Wayne, Indiana. Dr. George Vosburgh led the group in singing on the Wabash in honor of the Indiana guest, who was enroute to South Carolina and saw the Kiwanis sign on the high way which told him of the club meeting on Tuesday at Oak Hall. Gets Bulova Dealership Heinie White, Tryon jeweler, who recently moved his repair shop And sales store to Maple Street, under the A&P, has just been given the dealership for Bulova watches. He is gradually adding a full line of jewelry store merchandise as the demands of the public justifies. Mr. and Mrs. John Randolph have returned to their home at Columbus after an extended trip to Canada.