Published Daily Except _Saturday and Sunday_[5c Per Copy] EN._^IED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE ____ at tryon, n. c. under the act of congress, march 3, 1879 THE lira mill BULLETIN The World’s Smallest ig l/r Newspaper._Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 132 Tlo> !)N, N. C. TUESDAY, AUGUST 47~[953 Weather Monday: High 96, low j 70, rain .09, Rel. Hum. 65. One of our hottest days, and one of the few times the thermometer i reading failed to drop below 70. J Cooler weather is promised this week-end if nothing interferes. . . National Association of Manufac turers ask for a federal sales tax as first step toward fiscal securi- 1 ty . . . . Congress adjourned Mon day night and will not meet until January 6 unless called back . . . Exchange of Korean war prison ers begins today . . . General Mark W. Clark and wife visiting Dr. and Mrs. Paul Sanger in Charlotte. Reports say he has been offered presidency of The Citadel in Charleston. THE TOUR, of softie of Tryon homes will be gin Wednesday morning at 9:39 near the Railway Station. The Women’s Golf Association of the Tryon Country Club are sponsor ing the tour of homes. The ad mission of $1 is charged to help defray expenses. Miss Elena Garcia is president of the golf association. Transportation For Tour Those without automobiles and desiring transportation for the tour of homes Wednesday, should make reservations with the Blue Ridge Weavers, phone 438. Columbus Garden Club Meets Thursday The Columbus Garden Club will meet Thursday at 3:45 p. m., at the home of Mrs. J. I. Landis. Co hostess will be Mrs. John Spur lin and Mrs. Walt Brezeal. The program will be on “Pot Plants.” PACE—PITTMAN Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Pittman of Tryon have announced the mar riage of their daughter, Muriel, to Pvt. McQueen W. Pace, U. S. Army, who is stationed at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. The wedding was held at Spartanburg on July 30th. Mr. Pace is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Pace of Saluda. HOSPITAL NEWS New patients at St. Luke’s Hos pital include Scott Shaffer, Clar ence Newman of Tryon; Mrs. Billy Campbell, Landrum; Miss Norma Jean Holloman, Spartanburg; Mrs. Jack Freeman, Mill Spring. TICKETS FOR TOUR May be obtained from any mem ber of the golf association, at Blue Ridge Weavers or at the start of the Tour near the Depot on Wednesday morning. LANDRUM NEWS NOTES By Mrs. C. M. Littlefield, Jr. Larry Gilmore returned to his home in Belton Saturday after spending two weeks with his cousin, Ricky Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Bryson Ballew and son, Kenneth, returned to Nash ville, Tenn., Sunday after spend ing the past three weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. -Continued on Back Page_