Mr. and Mrs. John L. Brown and daughter, Miss Helen, and son, La^g, have returned from a trip^^Illinois and Wisconsin. Dan Jackson of Mill Spring has returned to Louisville, Ky., after a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson. He is a student at the Southern Baptist Seminary. Dr. Kerrison Juniper has return ed to Florida after spending the summer here as supply pastor at the Congregational Church. A|2c Charles “Buck” Arledge is home on furlough visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ar ledge before going to Korea. The Queens of Harmony and the Gospil Guides of Asheville will render a program at Garrison Chapel Baptist Church Thursday night, Aug. 27, at 8:30. Everyone is invited to come out and hear these singers. Benefit: Church. The officers and members of Embury P.-T. A. wish to thank everyone for helping to make the bake sale a success. The bal ance on the playground equip ment is now $273. Mrs. Odessa Berry, Pres.; Mrs. Eula Bryan, becy; W. H. Green, Principal. What Will Your Children Remember About Home? Each of us hates to think about our children growing up and leav ing home, but as long as our chil dren are living at horite, we should try to make their living as pleas ant and harmonious as possible. Just what will our children re member about home when they leave?” asks Corinne J. Grimsley, fN. C. extension specialist in fam ily relations. “Will they remember helping to plan the work that needed to be <*0ne‘ thev remember that we often confided ; them and asked their advice on x«mily mat ters. Or will they remember that hey weren’t actually a contribut ing member of the family—decis ions were made without their par ticipation? What will your children re ■ member about the good times they’ve had at home?” continues Mrs. Grimsley. “Will Thanksgiving and Christmas bring memories of family reunions and good times to gether? Will they remember meal time as a happy time when the whole family sat down together? Or will they remember it as a run-and-go- affair? What will they remember about family worship? Will they re member that the blessing was al ways asked before meals? And will they think of Sunday when the whole family went to church and worshipped together? Is Sunday a kind of ‘family day’ to them? “What will your children re member about you? Will they re member that you praised them for the things they did well and thanked them for their help? Will they remember that when they were discouraged that they could turn to you for encouragement? Ruth Current Says: Window cleaning may be well done by using paper instead of a cloth. It’s economical too. Choose soft paper that does not lint. Should one prefer a cloth, choose a clean one free from lint. Chamois is a good cleaner but expensive and requires good care if kept soft. Various cleaning mixtures may be used: clear water with a little dissolved washing soda—about 1 tablespoon to a pail of water. On a very cold day the cloth may be moistened with alcohol or good kerosene—the latter is a very efficient cleaner and is not expen sive. Whiting or some prepared cleaning paste may be used on window®—the idea is to let these drv and then wipe off the powder which takes off the grease film leaving the windows bright and clear. Windows should be cleaned when the sun is not shining on them directly as it causes uneven evap oration of mixture and gives a streaked surface. Tf do laundry the smart wgy, spdsing a load each day in the washing* machine, there will always be clean clothes ready for your family to wear.