fist. 1,-31-281 Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copyl SNTER^JjAS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE at tryon, n. c co ^DER the act of congress, march 3. 1879 - JO -— THE TRIOS DULY RELLGTIS Thp World's Smallt « DAILY Nev>spaper. Vol. 26—No. 151 g TRYON, Seth M. Vining, Editor N. C. MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 1953 Weather Friday: high 94, low 57, Rel. Hum. 40; Saturday high 95,low 58, Rel. Hum. 38; Sunday high 96, low 58, Rel. Hum. 38 . . . All Kiwanians, Rotarians, Lions', Chamber of Commerce members, farmers, business people and any others interested in the develop ment of the 4-H Club calf show and other 4-H activities are expect ed to be at the Calf Show at Harmon Field Tuesday. Show starts at 9:30, but people may attend at anytime. The civic clubs are giving up their regular meet ing programs and will have their luncheon at the field with the 4-H Club members at 1 o’clock. There will be 32 calves in the show exhibited by 12 girls and 20 boys. Calves will represent from one to four generations since the foun dation was started by the civic clubs ... In the case of Mrs. Stella Rhodes vs: J. L. Rhodes, charged with assault, the result was a mistrial and Judge Nimocks ordered a retrial at next term of court. Many spectators were high in their praise of the conduct of the court by Judge Nimocks. This week’s term of court is being pre sided over by Judge Burgwyn who was unable to preside last week . . Men and women are playing for their respective championships at the Tryon Country Club. Next Monday the second annual fruits -Continued on Page Two_ Ben E. Douglas Director Ben E. Douglas of the N. C. State Department of Con servation and Development, Ral eigh, plans to be in Polk County Tuesday and may attend the 4-H Club Calf Show to be held at Harmon Field under sponsorship of the Rotary, Lions and Kiwanis clubs and Chamber of Commerce. Tuesday night he will attend the Industrial Development Forum at Marion at 7:30 p. m., at the Marion court house. The public is invited to this meeting and all communities interested in getting new industries of any kind, are expected to send representatives. The forum is being held under di&pices of the commerce and in dustry committee of the State Bdard of Conservation and De velopment. Robert M. Hanes, -Continued on Page Two_