Fst. 1-31-281 Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday T5c Per Copyl LEI THE TRYON E POSTOFFICE UNDEK THE ACT OF CONGRF^ ;vfl 3, 1879 |;:ked AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928. AT TRYON, N. C The World’s Smallest DAILY Newspaper. BULLETIHI Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 152 TRYON, N. C. TUESDAY, SEPT. 1ST, 1953 CURB REPORTER Weather Monday: High 97, low 69, Rel. Hum. 40. Rainfall for month of August 2.16 inches . . . Tryon’s first street dance of the season will be held Friday night on Trade Street between the Police Station and Goodyear’s Florist. Time 8 o’clock. Public invited. Sponsored by P.-T. A. for all the family .... Tryon schools to date have the following enrollment, according to -£upt. Brank Proffitt: High school, 183, elementary 601. Embury high 33, Eimbury elementary 114 .. . All citizens interested in the develop ment of young people will attend the 4-H Show today at Harmon Field. Rotarians, Kiwanians, Lions and members of the Chamber of Commerce will eat their regular luncheon with the you no- folk at the picnic shed . . . The Polk County Post of the American Legion will meet tonight at 8 at the Legion hall under the post cffioe . . . W. F. Bailey, former Civilian Defense head, is expected to take oath of office today as new prison director, succeeding Walter Anderson, who was dis missed by Gov. Umstead . . . Nor man H. Collisson, vice president of Ecnsta Paper Coro., will ad drftQp the Industrial Development Forum tonight at Marion to which a delegation of Polk County citi zens will pn to the Marion court house at 7:30. HOSPITAL NEWS New patients at St. Luke’s Pospital include Mrs. Joe Louis Wilson of Tryon and Mrs. Har mon Smith. of Landrum. Patients discharged include Mrs. Ben - F. Barton of Landrum. $1,000 FINE TAXED AGAINST DEFENDANT Clerk of Court Robert S. Mc Farland announced Monday that his office had collected nearly $10,000 in fines and costs, levied during the first week of court in Polk last week. The largest fine of the first week, : and the second largest during his long term of office, according to j Mr. McFarland, was the $1,000 fine against Edward Mack Fowler, charged with violation of the pro hibition laws. Fowler originally was sentenced to two years on the roads by Judge Q. K. Nimocks, but the case was [ recalled Friday, and the sentence changed to a fine. Judge Nimocks said that since it was the first offense for Fowler, and because so many people had talked to him about the case, asking him to be more lenient, he decided to sus pend the road sentence. More than 160 cases were re moved from the docket, which con tained more than 250 cases when court opened August 24. There were 108 convictions, several found not guilty, some nol prossed and about 20 were called and failed to appear for trial. A total of 17 men lost their driver’s licenses on drunken driv ing counts, and one youth lost his license on a second offense for sneed-'ncr under a new North Caro lina law passed by the last legis lature. Those losing their license for drunk driving or driving after license . was revoked were Homer Aylcdoje. Georve W. Crocker, Ed- . Mfprd J-Jorniar, Meride Edward Ran doli^h, Arthur A. Thompson. Chas. Preston Alewine, Dalores . Powell, Edward Fred Cochran, Jim T. -Continued on. Page Two_