T ublished Daily Except I Est. 1-31-28] _Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] AS SECOND CLASS MATTE® AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE ** AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TR'ilI DM BULLETIN The World’s Smallest # ,Y Newspaper._Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 157 1 « ON, N. C. TUESDAY, SEPT. 8TH, 1953 Weather Monday, Labor Day: i High 86, low 56 . . . Supt. J. W. Taylor of the Tryon Water Works Dept, reports that 19 million gal lons of water was used during August by consumers of the Tryon Water Works. The increase in the water facilities by the town made this possible .... The official publication of the Montana State Chamber of Commerce had sever al pictures of the Charles C. Wests in the current issue, as a result of Mr. and Mrs. West and daughter, Mary Kathleen, attend ing the Outdoor Writers meeting this summer at Missoula, Montana. Miss Mary Kathleen was initiated into the Britherhood of Jungle Cocks, an organization that pro motes cooperation and good sports manship .... Si. W. Kershner of Arlington, Va., is a guest at Oak Hall while making tests on Hogback Mountain for the pro posed television tower of WORD. It is said that the tower will be one of the highest of its kind in Eastern America .... A new tennis champion was made Mon day when Tony Trabert, 23-year old ex-sailor from Cincinnati de- i feated Seixas at Forest Hills. N. Y., 6-3, 6-2, 6-3 for the national championship. Bud Palmer, Lefty Flynn's son, did the announcing for the entire series, assisted by Don Budge, former tennis cham -Continued, on Back Paye_ Need For Blood Continues Many are asking: “Why is there such an emergency need for blood? The war’s over!” The answer is: “There’s always urgent need for blood.” Medical research is constantly finding new and im portant uses for blood derivatives. Daily, lives which only a short time ago would have been lost are being saved—by the use of human blood and its derivatives. The Asheville Blood Center last week reported its reserve supply of blood at a dangerously low ebb. The blood supply, upon which we of Polk County depend ii\ our emergencies, can be built up only by voluntary contributions here and in the other communities served by the Asheville Center. If even one life should be lost be cause blood was not available, how deeply we would regret it if we’d been “too busy” to go to Blood Bank! So plan to come on Friday, Sept. 11, between 12:30 and 6, to donate your pint either at the Parish House in Tryon or at Stearns School in Columbus. Baby sitters will be on duty at both places. For transportation call Tryon 53 or Columbus 2245 or 2162.—Red Cross Reporter. HOSPITAL, NEWS New patients at St. Luke’s Hospital include Mrs. Reginald Searcv, Mill Spring R-2; Charles Edwards, Landrum R-l,; 'Little Jeanet Sheppard, Tryon. Patients discharged: Mrs. Henry McDowell, Mill Spring; R. G. Atherton, Spartanburg. Spa!h;anburg Herald reports as parentsv* in General Hospital: Gladys Wingo of Tryon and Lot tie