Published Daily Except I Est. 1-31-28]Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] AS second CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE ' "AT tryon, n. c. under this act of congress, march 3, 1879 THE TRYON DULY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest ‘» LY Newspaper. Vol. 26—No. 158 Seth M. Vining, Editor rON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 9, 1953 Weather Tuesday: High 85, low : 54, Rel. Hum. 44 . . . National leaders were shocked Tuesday by the sudden death of Chief Justice Fred Vinson. He was 63. A popu lar man, respected by all, was a friend of many leaders including the late Congressman A. L. Bul winkle. When he was secretary of the treasury he wrote the Curb Reporter that he would visit Tryon at the first opportunity, but it never came .... After notice that it was illegal, Sheriff Loyd B. Panther has recalled a number of deputy sheriff appointments that he had made a courtesy to friends or to fill a need in certain areas. Solicitor Ridings says the law only allows two deputies in Polk County and they are Sellers Ed wards and H. G. Laughter .... Lake Lanier Tea House and Dock will close this week-end for the winter season. Last time for water lovers to take their summer out ing . . . Senator Alton Lennon made a favorable impression on local voters when he came to the r'lun*"" unon invitation to address the Kiwanis Club and guests, in cluding Rotarians, Lions and other civic leaders who came to welcome him. His youth, legislative experi ence, intellect, desire to. learn, eagerness to serve all the people as the duty of his office dictates, were apparent to his listeners. His -Continued on Back Paye_ Senator Lennon Speaks To Tryon Kiwanians U. S. Senator Alton Lennon of Wilmington addressed the Kiwanis Club Tuesday at Oak Hall. Sena tor Lennon told the Kiwanians and guests that he was trying to cover as much of North Carolina as possible in order to meet the people and make himself better known. He felt that this would make people of the state feel freer to call on him direct rather than have someone else contact him about their problems. The speaker said that it had been a great honor to have been appointed senator by Governor Umstead and that he was doing his best to learn his job in order to serve the people of North Carolina better. xne senator closed his talk by telling something of his political philosophy. He explained briefly the legislation that had come up in the senate while he has been a member and told how he had voted on the various bills. He told why he had voted for some of the measures and against others. He said that he hadn’t missed a single roll call and that his vote had been recorded on a1! legislation that had come before the senate during his brief tenure. Guests of the club were John K. Slear, Charlotte ( secretary to Senator Lennon) ; Mrs. John Pres ton, Brank Proffitt, Dr. .Glenn Mc Call, George Lawrence, Carroll Bradv, Thurston-- Arledge, J. T. Arledge, C. D. Stevens, R. B. Wtyte, Dr. John Preston. Col. Fgank J*age, Dr. Gordon Graham. Ctate Representative R. E. Brant ley introduced the speaker. The Squirrel Season opens on Thursday, Oct. 1st in Polk County.