ruonanea uaiiy except i Est. 1-31-281_Saturday and Sunday_[5c Per Copy] ENTERICS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE -SfTRYON. N. c. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE m\\ DAILY (ULLETIY The World’s Smallest D. Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 159 TR \ \ N. C. THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1953 Weather Weunesday: High 81, low 54, Rel. Hum:. 45 ... . Gov. W. B. Umstead will speak Thurs day night over a state-wide radio network to explain the bond elec tion of Oct. 3. Those who want to know more about it before they vote should listen to the governor. The bonds will call for 72 million dollars to aid our mental hospitals and public schools to take care of emergency needs. Leaders in both factions of the Democratic Party are urging the people to vote for the bonds for the money is needed to help our youth and the mentally sick regard less of age. It .is no political prob lem. It is a humanitarian issue that calls on the support of every one regardless of race, creed, or other differences. New voters have another chance to register at their . voting precinct this Saturday . . . School Supt. J. W. Gantt speaks on the subject tonight at Stearns school. Cary L. Page of the Tryon ! School Board will talk on it next week at the Tryon P.-T. A. . . . Judge John J. Parker of North Carolina is prorminentlv mention ed as a successor to the late Judge Vinson on the Supreme Court . . . Fed China navy ship shoots at British launch near Hong Kong, kills six and wounds five. This mav cause trouble. . . . CORREC TION : the Audrey Thompson, the -Continued on Back Page ___ STEEL BLEACHERS AT HARMON FIELD Steel bleachers to seat 1,000 people have been installed at Har mon Field to be used for the first time Friday night at the football game between Tryon and District One, composed of Inman, Campo bello, Gramling, Landrum ’ and Holly Springs High Schools. The' bleachers are portable and can be moved about the field for use in other activities such as baseball, field events, horse shows, gymkhanas and other public gath erings. I he bleachers cost nearly $4,000 and a committee headed by W. L. Hague has been appointed to plan ways and means to raise the money to pay for the bleachers and the balance due on the lighting equip ment. The Tryon Chamber of Commerce directors are also study ing the situation to see what the community in general can do to help in this recreation project. Tryon Chamiber of Commerce Annual Meeting September 23 The annual meeting of the Tryon Chamiber of Commerce will be held Sept. 23 at 8 p. m. at Oak Hall. Flection of new direc tors, committee reports and gen eral discussion on needs of the community will be held. * At the meeting of the board of directors Monday night George Web-ter was welcomed as a new member of the board to fill the rne^pired term of Dr. C. W. Mc Call who resigned. J. Lavender gave a renort on bis iJbntact with Senator Clyde F. Hoev on the possibility of get >!n» free delivery from the Tryon Post, Office. The senator assured — Continued on Bock Faye_