Fst. 1-31-28] Published. Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] AS SEC0ND ?s MATTER august 20, 1928, AT the postoffice TRYON, N. > JDER TIIF, ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE THAI DAILY BULLETIN The World's Smallest Vol. 26—No. 160 •% y Newspaper >N, Seth M. Vining, Editor N. C. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1953 Weather Thursday: High 80, low 50, Rel. Hum. 51 . . . Martin P. Durkin, Democrat, has resigned as secretary of labor in Eisen hower’s cabinet because he said the administration had not re vised the Taft-Hartley law as agreed to. Eisenhower expressed his regreat. Durkin returns as president of Steamfitters and Plumbers Unions . . . TODAY IN TRYON: District Attorney J. M. Baley speaks at the Rotary Club at Oak Hall following luncheon at 1 p. m. He will talk on the duties of his office. At th« GAY BLADES Garden Club will meet today with Mrs. W. Fred Swann in Gillette Woods. Mrs. L. D. Weathers of Spartanburg will speak on Dried Arrangements. BLOOD BANK today 12:30-6:30.' Tonight at 7:45 at Oak Hall the Duplicate Bridge Tournament. All players invited. Tonight at 8 the first football game of the season, will be played at Harmon Field , between Tryon and District One of South Carolina. Steel bleach ers to seat 1,000 people have been installed at the field. Seats for 800 „ on the home side and 200 for the visitors. This will be the second season under lights. The field has been marked off. Re straining wires have been put up to keep the crowds five yards away fo’* the field so all persons _Continued on Back Page_ FOOTBALL TONIGHT Tonight at 8 the Tryon High Tigers kick off the lid on the 1953 football season as they meet the Inman Purple Panthers at Har mon Field. Probable starting line up for the Tigers: Ends, James Ballew and Fred Ashley; tackles, Curt Ross and Bob Turner; guards, Dan Edwards and Mitchell Turner; center, Allan Pruette; backs, Jim Ballew, Ron nie Ross, Kite Biedler and Raleigh Parker. Author Guest of Fergusons Miss Jessie DeBoth of New York, author of Modern House hold^ Encyclopedia, arrives in Tryon Friday to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Ferguson on Hearthstone Ridge. Her news paper column, Jessie’s Notes ap pears regularly in the Charlotte Observer, New York Times and other papers. T. E. L. Class Entertained v Mrs. A. B. Turner and Mrs. W. E. Smith were joint hostesses to the T. E. L. Class of the Land rum First Baptist Church Wed nesday afternoon. Mrs. Ragan Fox was re-elected teacher and Mrs. E. O. Gilmore assistant teacher. Other class of ficers elected were Mrs. James Neil, president; Miss Laura Brady, vice president; Mrs. J. H. Atkins, secretary; Mrs. W. J3. Bullock, assistant secretary; Mrs. W. E. Smith, treasurer and Mrs. L. E. Hall, assistant treasurer. Flower committee, Mrs. J. G. Land rum- and Mrs. W. S. Heavner. The hostesses served refresh ments. Give A Pint TODAY !