IE sW-31-28] ENT Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT tryon, n. c. under THE act of congress, march 3, 1879 THE Ti ll! DULY BELLETI! The World’s Smalle 'S )AILY Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 163 a RYON, N. C. WEDNESDAY,-SEPT. 16. 1953 Weather Tuesday: high 90, low 49 . . . Mrs. Pandit of India, sister1 of Prime Minister Nehru, elected president of United Nations Gen eral Assembly. Red China denied place in United Nations by vote of 44-10 . . . Adlai Stevenson at Democratic meet in Chicago calls for world-wide, disarmament . . . Business men worried about stock market slipping. Some think a recession on the way. Now is the time for folks to sell if they have anything to sell. Advertisements in the Bulletin make selling cheaper. No other advertising reaches so many people for so little money. Oothers may have larger circulations, but they cost more, and not as many people read those ads as read the ones in the Bulletin. If yon don’t sell it through the Bulletin it is because it is not needed, is too high, doesn’t fit or for some other reason doesn’t sell. They read the ads in the Bul letin . . .Joe Ritchey of Columbus has been named P0II5 County Forest Ranger, according to an announcement by District Ranger B. H. Corpening. Ranger Ritchey’s telephone number is 2153 until 9 p. m. arid 2371 at night. Anyone detecting forest fires in the county are urged to notify him at once. . . John Stratford has returned to the University of South Carolina for his junior year. Tryon School Trustees Favor Bond Election The Board of Trustees of the Tryon City Schools met in special session, on Sept. 2, to consider in detail the proposed bond issue for school building construction and improvement of mental insti tutions and, also, the question of a central high school for all of Polk County. All members of the board were present. After full and leng thy discussion of these matters, the school board passed official resolutions which set forth the board’s position regarding both these questions. Ihe members of the school board agreed that conditions are such, throughout the State of North Carolina, that both the $50,000,000 proposed for school building con struction and the $22,000,000 pro posed for mental institutions are urgently needed. They felt, fur ther, that the State bond issue was the best approach to be made to this problem at this time. A inotion was offered that the Tryon school board go on record as unan imously favoring the issuance of both the school building construc tion bonds and bonds for mental institutions. All members of the board favored this action. In regard to the question of a central high school for Polk Coun ty, the members of the board agreed that many problems would need to be worked out if such a con solidated school is to be. However, it was felt that such a school is needed in this county for many reasons. Some of these: (1) to aybid wasteful and poor duplica tion of such specialized facilities #5 libt'ftries, science laboratories, r home economics departments, vo cational agriculture departments, —Continued on Page Two_