I Est."_il-28] Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] iNTERED Ag SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFPICE at TRYON, N. C g 4PER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRIOS DAILY BULLETIN The World's Smalles\ g ILY Newspaper._Seth M. Vining, Editor jgrON, N. C. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2ND, 1953 Vol. 26—No. 175 Weather Thursday hign 84, low 64, Rel. Hum. 32 . . . Saturday is a BIG DAY for all North Caro linians. It is the day* to vote for the schodl bond issue and sup port of improvement for our men tal institutions. Voters do not have | to vote for both bond issues. One prominent citizen said he didn’t mind voting for better schools but he didn't 'want to help the mental institutions filled mostly with peo pie who went crazy drinking liquor. He will have ^is choice. Others may want to vote help for the poor mentally diseased who can’t help themselves. That’s their privilege. Some people who went to a one-teacher school where all grades were taught by the same teacher in a one-room school house may think the present set-up is good enough. That’s their privi lege. However, all citizens who are j proud of their families,