I Est.aj))tl-28] SRED Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] iNTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT„TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TITO DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Small £ daily Newspaper. Yol. 26—No. 178 % FRYON, N. C. Seth M. Vining, Editor WEDNESDAY. OCT 7TTT 1QKS Weather Tuesday: high 79, low 54, Rel. Hum. 48 . . . The new Dodge has arrived at Donald Motor Company and will be on display Thursday^ A page ad in today’s Bulletin invites the public to see it. Donald Motor is offer ing three door prizes.. All auto mobile lovers will enjoy seeing the new super deluxe interior with Jacquard upholstery fabric pre viously used only for rich tapes tries and expensive furniture; and the new fully-automatic trans mission and other improvements. . . . President Eisenhower warns nation of world peril should the H-bomb be used . . . Wayne King j and his orchestra are performing j tonight at Spartanburg Audi torium. Some tickets are avail able . . . This is FIRE PREVEN TION WEEK. —Let us pause a moment and give thanks to the Volunteer Fire Department of j Tryon, Columbus, Saluda and | Landrum. They are composed of : patriotic men whose love of com- j munity service takes the form of helping to prevent fires as well >as j save lives and propefty once a fire gets started. Any hour of the I day or night and during personal I affairs or their work they answer | the call of the fire alarm and come j to our rescue. They are No. 1 cjti- ! zens of their communities Und J are doing much to uphold the j _ ^Continuerf or> Bark. Tay*__ Bridge Meeting Friday The regular duplicate bridge meeting will be held Friday night at 7:45 at Oak Hall. Visitors in the community are invited to par ticipate. Last week’s winners were Mrs. Baxter Haynes and Jules Feder, first; Mrs. Wm. W. Gilchrist and George Unrah, second; R. B. White, Major A. R. Herron and Melvin Burns and S. Cetwertyn ski tied for third. FOOTBALL The Tryon High Tigers will be out for their second win of the season tomorrow night when they travel to York, S. C., to take on Sharon High School. Sharon has a 2-2 record this season and should be a tough team to beat. The Tigers have been hard at work this week on fundamentals and should be at top strength for the contest. Next week the Tryon ites are at home for a contest with their arch-rivals, Henderson ville. HOSPITAL NEWS New patients at St. Luke’s Hos pital include Will Cabe, _ Lynn; Mrs. John Gibbs, Columbus. Mr. and. Mrs. Edward Hines of Mill Spring are parents of a son, born Oct. 6 at 9:10 p. m. Parents discharged include Mrs. Lee Cowan and baby; Major No dine; Miss Beedie Ann Morgan; Mrs. Lilian Bradley; Mrs. Jules Feder; Charles Arledge of Tryon Route One. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Strat 'fprd who spent the summer at their new home on Lake Lanier, have i returned to their winter -home in Spartanburg.