fEst 1-31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] iNTERED AS SECOND ^LASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT TJIE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. -g UNDER the ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE mor DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest qaily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 184 ' tSSYON, N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1953 Weather Wednesday: High 67, low 66, rain .18, Rel. Hum. &0 . . . C. O. Story of Lynn was sentenced to six months on the roads Tues day by Judge John H. Clements, for assault with serious injury on James E. Johnson last February. Defense attorneys have appealed to the State Supreme Court . . . WBTV planning to have color television next year . General Samuel Davis Sturgis Jr., Chief of Army Engineers, Washington, D. C., has arrived in Tryon by air for a visit with his mother, Mrs. S. D. Sturgis, who is seriously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Stanislas* Czetwertynski . . . Rain in Western North Carolina Wednesday helped reduce fire hazards, but people are being warned to be careful in throw ing down cigarettes or matches. . . . . Ihe Piedmont ^pterstate Fair now in progress in Spartan burg has had an attendance of about 60,000 people so far . . . Tryon-Hendersonville football game Friday at Harmon Fields has been changed to 7:30 instead of 8 p. m. Miss Sue Hipps has accented a position as X-Ray technician at the General Hospital in Green ville, S. C. “School Public Relations” For his talk on P.-T."A. Thurs day evening, Oct. 15, Brank Proffitt will consider the general topic “School Public Relations”. He will discuss the nature of school public relations, explaining problems that are peculiar to the Tryon community. Particular em phasis will be given to the critical teacher shortage here and else where. Also Mr. Proffitt will shed new light on the subject of the school cafeteria. So, all parents and friends, do avail yourself of this opportunity to hear his frank appraisal of a situation vital to us all. Hostesses for the meeting will be Mrs. Frank Gallimore and Mrs'. Oliver Edwards, co-chairmen; Mrs. W. H. McDonald, Mrs. Geo. Comer, Mrs. Robert Dedmondt, Mrs. B. B. Flynn, Mrs. J. W. Gantt and Mrs. Hjugh Hill.—Con tributed. | Pro-Amateur Monday I Pro Ted Fox of the Tryon Coun [ try Club has announced that there will be a Pro-Amateur Golf Tour I nament Monday at the Tryon ! Country Club. Country clubs I frorn^ the Western Carolinas will be represented. Each professional will play with an A, B, and C golfer. Mr. Fox would like for all local golfers who would like to play in the tournament to regis ter with him by Sunday night. Court of Honor Monday Night The Polk County Boy Scout Court of Honor will be held Mon i day night, October 19, at 7:45 at the Tryon High School. There will ! be a Scouter dinner meeting at 6:30.