"kji Published Daily Except ! Est 1-281_Saturday and Sunday_ [5c Per Copy I ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT 'HIYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THU Tll'lh DULY BULLETIN The World’s Smalle\ 5 )AILY Newspaper._Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26.—No. 186 S RYON, N. C. MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1953 Weather Friday: High 84, low 52, Rel. Hum. 50; Saturday high 83, low 49, Rel. Hum. 56; Sunday high 82, low 47, Rel. Hum. 56. . . U. S., Great Britain and France have invited Russia to a 4-power conference to discuss unification of Germany, an independent trea tv for Austria and organization of European security . . . Judge Clement modified the sentence of Carl O. Story and changed it from six months on roads to a $55 fine plus cost of court .action. And Story has dropped the appeal to the Supreme Court, according to reports .... Another contribu tion to the William Hannon Me morial at St. Luke’s Hospital comes from A. W. Britton. . . One week from today the Tryon Cham ber of Commerce will hold thp annual meeting at Oak Hall hotel at 7 p. m. Dinner, music, enter tainment and some thoughts to ponder over as well as a review of things to consider concerning community welfare . . . Mr. and Mrs. Guy G. Wedthouff of De troit, Mich., have arrived in Try on for a six months stay in Mrs. Crapo Cristy’s house on Lindcourt Drive . . . Pofk County Court of Honor will meet tonight at 7:45 at the Tryon school library. Scoute*- supper will be held in the cafeteria at 6:30. . . . Officers and directors of the Chamber of _Continued nv Ba*k Pnyr.i DYPHTHERIA IN POLK Mrs. M. Pearl, County Health Nurse reports that dyptheria cases have developed in the Green Creek section of Polk County and that an intensive program is un der—way to get all mothers to have their children immunized be fore it- is too late. A clinic will be held Tuesday at St. Luke’s hospital and Thursday at the Health Center in Columbus. BRIDGE RESULTS At the Tryon Dupl:cate Bridge Club at Oak Hall Hotel, Friday, 17 pairs participating in a mas ter point game the following were winners: North-South: First, Mrs. Bax ter Haynes and Jules Feder; sec ond, Mr. and Mrs. Chester D. Ward; third, Mr. and Mrs. Stan islas Czetwertynski; fourth, Phil Harris and James Earle. East-West: First, Mrs. W. M. Bomar and Miss Lois Greer; sec ond, Mrs. Barrington King and Mrs. Frances Ravenel; third, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Meyerson; fourth, Mr«. A. B. Vogel and Miss Gainell Williams. A regular game will be played next Friday at Oak Hall. HOSPITAL NEWS Patients admitted to St. Luke's Hospital include Grady Kuyken dall, Tryon; Mrs. Wilbur Road house, Tryon; Master Jackie Ford, con of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Ford of R-l, Tryon. Patients discharged include Rebecca Ann and Buddy Gerald Lockhart, children of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Lockhart of Landrum; Linda and Diana Kem merlin, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Kem Kemmerlin of Landrum; Mrs. Fred Blanton and Mrs. Harry Wheeler, Tryon.