I Eat iSfeg] Published. Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] iNTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 ~ The fVorld's Smalh jz }AILY Newspaper. Vol " M DAILY BULLETIN Seth M. Vining, Editor 26—No. 190 j^YON, N. C. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1953 Weather Thursday: High '73, low 48, Rel. Hum. 66 . . The U. S. to build atomic power plant to build peace time energy. Ex- ! penses of U. S. Government so high that there will be little tax reduction for sometime . . . The Bulletin referred to the “marble" bench in the railway park Thurs day. Wayne Creasman says it aint so. It’s concrete. We stand corrected. Of course they are about the same thing chemically; | only one is made by God and the j other by man. The chemist would ! probably find CaC03, calcium car- j bonate, in both. Or a fellow could j blow his-breath, (carbon dioxide) I in a bottle of lime water, mix it up thoroughly enough and make his own marble . . . Duplicate bridge tonight at Oak Hall at 7:45 ... A few tickets for the annual banquet meeting of the Trvon Chamber of Commerce are still available at $2. Price in cludes banquet, entertainment and, the fellowship o*f other citizens who are striving to make this community a better place in which to live or to see that over pvovressive people don’t spoil Avhat we already have. The pooling of our resources, a sounding out of oommumtv thinking by an in terchange of thought on compiu ritv ideals are thines that Rnep Tryon different and we think better Contivvt'fJ >,v Rnrlt Pfiyf DURHAM INFANT PASSES Mary Margaret, two day old infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs., Pickens Durham passed away Thursday morning at Mary Black Hospital in Spartanburg, S. C. Graveside services wil be held at Tryon Cemetery Friday morning at 10:30, with the Rev. Henry 0. -Hearn, pastor of the First Bap tsit Church officiating. Besides her parents the baby is survived by one sister, Sharon; her paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frail Durham of -Tryon and maternal grandmother, Mrs. C. C. Ashley of Columbus. McFarland Funeral Home of Tryon in charge of arrangements. Fire Victims Need Help Floyd Evans, superintendent of public welfare for Polk County reports that Mrs. Fred Atkins’ house burned Thursday and de stroyed all contents. He states the family needs clothing for a mother, one six year old son and a two year old daughter. Anyone with contributions of clothing or other assistance may notify the Welfare Department at Columbus, phone No. 2164. Charlotte Observer report's that Dr. Francis Harrison of Coopers town, N. Y., was elected president of the Constantinians to succeed Dr. Joseph F. Borg of St. Paul, Minn., at their 8th annual meeting in Asheville Wednesday. The Constantians include only doctors who served in the Mediterranean Theatre during World War II. Dr. arid Mrs. Borg are making their headouarte>*s in T r v o n while attending the convention. Tonight at 8 the "Tryon Tivers play District Three at Cowpeni.