Ret Ha-28i f ubliah.ed Daily Except Saturday and Sunday f 5c Per Codv | iNTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AlJOUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON. N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 I’HE nm DAILY BLLLEra Seth M. Vining, Editor The World's Smalles\ -$uly Newspaper. _ Vol. 26—No. 91 \ ’*YON,~jSL C. ~MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1953 Weather Friday: High 87, low 43, Rel. Hum. 34; Saturday h'gh ■ 79, low 4\9, Rel. Hum. 38; Sunday high 74, low 50, Rel. Hum. 48 . . . • Some reports say Benson on way out as secretary of agriculture. Western farmers campaigning for relief ; 41 Utah cattle raisers in chartered bus headed - for Wash ington . . . Italians and Yugo slovia still fussing over Trieste. . . . Governor Byrnes of South Carolina praises U. N. for blocking war ... In Tryon tonight at 7 at Oak Hall hotel the chamber of commerce will hold its annual community dinner meeting . . . Kiwam's meets Tuesday at 1 p. m. at Oak Hall. . . . Mrs. Ethel Crampton has sold her home on Godshaw Hill and moved to La Jolla, Calif . . . The^Rev. A. -M. Jones has been returned to the Methodist Church in, Landrum by the S. C. Conference . . . Tryon lost its football battle at Cowpens Friday 31-6 ... ARLEDGE—CREECH Mr. and Mrs. John E. Creech of East Flat Rock have announced the engagement of their daughter,' Norman Jean, to Evin Denton Ar ledge, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Spurgeon Arledge of- Saluda The wedding will take place Thanks giving Day at 4 p. m. in East Flat Rock Methodist Church. | Memorials for St. Luke’s To Honor Friends or Family The Trustees of St. Luke’s Hos pital recently adopted the follow ing resolution: “Contributions to the hospital of $1,000 or more •"shall entitle the contributors to the privilege of designating a room as a memorial gift.” Already eight of the 13 avail able rooms have been thus desig nated. Several friends of the hos pital have expressed interest in other possible memorials. There are many which might be suggest ed. For instance, a urological X ray tabled much needed for diag nosis and treatment, would cost about $1600; a heated resuscita tor for- infants would cost about $860; furnishings for the recep tion room, designed to make it more dignified and attractive to visitors, would cost about $450; bedside cabinets would cost about $50' each; bassinets for the nur sery would cost about $15 each. These are only a few of the many possibil.ties which might be select ed. The trustees'invite any one who may be- interested in making a Memorial Gift to confer with L. E. £>ayre, the treasurer, or M. C. Holthouser, the administrator, who will be glad to suggest many more items than those mentioned. Me morial projects will, of course, be allocated in the order in which applications are made.—Hospital Reporter. A Girl Scout cook-out is on. dis play in the Toy Shop display win dow next to Missildine’s.