Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [6c Per Copy] AS SECOND CLASS MATTE® AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICB AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THP, ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRlOI DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallet +»aily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 93 jjtYON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28, 1963 Weather Tuesday, high 63, low 46, rain .14, Rel. Hum. 94 ... . World news about the same. . . . Norman Cocke Sr., of Charlotte was named president of the Duke Power Company Tuesday at a meeting of the board of directors in Charlotte. He succeeds the late E. C. Marshall. W. S. O’B Rob inson of Charlotte was named chairman, of the executive com mittee. Mr. Cocke joined the Duke interests in 1906 as attorney and has had a major part in the de velopment of the company and of the growth of this region. He is vice chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Duke Endowment and acting chairman of the board' of trustees of Duke University and. director of various other com panies .... Charles Gold of Rutherfordton, state senator and former secretary to Congressman A. L. Bulwinkle, has been named1 State Insurance Commissioner by Governor u instead to succeed Waldo Cheek .. . . Miss Ruth Current, state home demonstra tion agent, who has a regular Column, in The Bulletin and Polk County News each week, has been given a citatio'n for distinguished service to agriculture. The pre sentation was made by Harry . 6. Gal dwell, State Grange master in Raleieh .... The railroad traflks at Kmo-s Mountain are cleared' ..Continued on Back Page.-T LAST HOME GAME The Tryon High team worked on offensive plays until after dark Tuesday as Coach Prince made changes in the line up for the Christ School game here Satur day night. Robert Bowyer and Frank McGraw were running the right guard position while Ed Howard was at right half. Dan Edwards and Bill Powell alter nated at right end with Lynwood Thompson and Bob Henson at left end. Nick Ross showed up well at quarterback in place of Jim Ballew, still out with an in jured leg. Christ School will be out jfor their first win of the season while Tryon will be seeking win number 3. This will be the final home game -for these seniors: Lynwood Thompson, Allan Pruette, Robert Bowyer, Furman Walker, Raleigh Parker,' Jim Ballew, Julian Thomp son, Kite Biedler, Herman Wal ker and Ronnie Ross.—School Re porter. HOSPITAL NEWS Master Robert Turner of Land rum was admitted to St. Luke’s Hospital. There were no discharg es announced. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Justice of* Lynn are the parents of a boy born Oct. 27, at 10:46 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Shannon of Columbus are the parent of a boy born Oct. 28, at 4:52 a. m. The Spartanburg Herald reports marriages recorded for Thomas Herman Hutcherson of Landrum R-l and Rachel Jean - Prince of Campobello, R-l. Also for Dana Compton Gosnell of .Campobello R-2 and Faye Burgess Garruth of 1 Landrum. R-l. i . _ ,