(Est SftTE £1-28) Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday (5c Per Copy) ~ AS SECONr VSS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N, \jNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879_ M DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest ^ £ ON, N. C. WEDNESDAY. NOV. 4. 1953 Weather Tuesday: High 84, low 40, Rel. Hum. 33. . . Robert F. Wagner Jr., Democrat, was elect ed mayor of New. York Tuesday. Wagner, president of Manhattan Borough was succeeded by"Hulan E» Jack, a Negro Democrat, first of his race to hold the office. Both parties pull upsets. Democrats w’nning Buffalo, Albany and New Haven, but losing Oneida . . . . Dem'>cratic governor was leading in New Jersey for first time in 10 years ... . Spartanburg Herald of Wednesday has a pic ture of a group viewing Landrum’s new filter plant and includes L. B. Kimbrell, V. L. Gaines, P. C. Lancaster, C. H. Beebe and J. W. Taylor . . . The big .event in Tryon today is the address by Mayor Horace Carter of Tabor City, N. C., at the Congregational Church House at 3:30: The public is invited and all tnose persons in terested in getting things done to clean up a community or section should attend and find out some of the problems involved in waging a campaign against lawlessness by minor groups who work under cover of anonymity. The speaker is noted for his courage and long range vision that right must win. ... A sad note in today’s hews is the report of the passing of Miss Eunhemia Holden on No^. 2 at Hartford, Conn. The message ._Continued on Back Page__ Sheriff Panther Withdraws License Hearing Request Sheriff Loyd B. Panther, who had requested a hearing before the State Motor Vehicles Depart ment regarding suspension of his driver’s license withdrew the re quest Tuesday morning before the hearing was held. Ihe sheriff's attorneys sought ; restoration of the driver’s license j sooner than the one .year set by | the State Department. The Motor Vehicles Dept, would not agree to ! this. Therefore, the request was j withdrawn. Assistant Attorney General I Beverly Lake repre sented the State. Hearing was con ducted by Arch McQueen, MVD district hearing officer. ——-» I Landrum Election Results j In the municipal ejection at Landrum Tuesday, Mayor Wade ! Staggs did not offer for reelection. | The contest was described as .keen | and healthy for the community. W. H._ Bridgeman was elected t mayor with 217 votes over Manus j Barnette with 206 votes. Council elected were W. E. Smith, who led | the ticket with 326 votes; J. L. Bagwell, ^279; J. E. Greenwood | Jr., 210; V..L. Gaines, 202. De . feated candidates also received i large votes: P. C. Lancaster, 199; Boyce Fagan, 141; A. B. Waldron, 140; Clark Bridges, 133; Grady | Pate, 128. * HOSPITAL NEWS Roy West of Columbus has been, admitted as a patient in St. Luke’s Hospital. Discharges include Mrs. Esther Lorance of Campobello and J. C. Culbreth of Tryon. Mrs. R. -L. Wenstrand has re turned to Hinsdale, 111., after, a visit with Mrs. David Wenstrand