Published Daily Except (yirTaj^l-28) -_Saturday and Sunday_ (5c Per Copy) ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C.^NDER THE ACT OP CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 1$ ~~ THE THlii DIM BULLETIN The World’s Smallest Jg ly Newspaper Setk M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 101 l s TON, N. C. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1953 Weather Friday: High 54, low 38, Rel. Hum. 43; Saturday high 57, low 30, Rel. Hum. 38; Sunday high 58, low 34, Rel. Hum. 41. . . . Little change in world news. Another fire struck the General Motors Willow Run plant but it j was brought under . control in’ | about an hour . . Dr. Leon E. j Smith, president of Elon College,, i will be the guest speaker tonight at 7 at the Congregational Men’s supper. Dr. William T. Scott, superintendent of - the Southern Convention of Cong regational Christian Churches, will be the | guest speaker at the Kiwanis Club ' Tuesday at 1 p. m. Elbert H. Ar- | ledge in charge of program . . The j Tryon Country Club Women's ] Bridge Tournament will be held ! Tuesday at 1:30 at the Club j House. Mrs. Gaden Corpening and Mrs. Paul Culberson are hostesses. I All women members and their i guests are invited. . . There has been very little rain in over a month. All growing things need water. Thanks to the foresight of Tryon Town officials this communi ty has not suffered during this dry spell as far as city water is concerned . . _ Asheville Citizen reworts that Jackson Walker of Mill Spr’ng has been initiated into Lamba Chi Alpha fraternity at the University of Nortlf Carolina. Mss Adelaide Dunning Miss Adelaide Dunnmg, 81, passed away Sunday night at 10 o’clock at St. Luke’s Hospital. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 4 p. m. at the Church of the Holy Cross with the Rev. Charles L. McGavern officiating. Burial will be in Tryon Cemetery. Pallbearers; Lucius E. Sayre, Dr. J. A. W* Woody, M. C. Hol£ houser, the Rev. Charles G. Sewallt John G. Landrum Jr., C. D. Stevens. Miss Dunning had made her home in Tryon for the past 46 to 60 years, having come to Tryon from Plainfield, NL J., with the Edmund Embury sisters. For about 20 years she made her home at the hospital where she was in charge of the linen room until she suffered a stroke about two years ago. Her kindness and thoughtful ness of others were characteris tics that made her loved by many friends. Man Killed Here Saturday Warren P. Carson, 30, was killed about 1:30 Saturday morn ing at his home on Wilderness road near Tryon. Sheriff Loyd B. Panther reports that Carson had six bullet holes in his body made wth a-.32 Savage automatic. A brother-in-law, Pete James May bred, 18, wag bound over to the Superior Court by a ■coroner’s jury for further investigation. It was reported that the- two men were in an argument. Carson’s w-dow, Esther Carson, wa3 nut under a $500’bond as a material witness. ..•Practically all of the United States' production of snuff is con sumed in this country.’