(Es; s.NTE] 31-28) Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday (5c Per Copy) AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER ^ E ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE nWf DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest dai wV ewspaper Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 104 TR'' £*7, N. C. THURSDAY, NOV. 12TH, 1953 Weather Wednesday: High 70, low 30, Rel. Hum. 33. . . Ramon Magsaysay elected president of the Philippines. Russia not in terested in meeting of represen tatives of the big four nations at" Bermuda. President Eisenhower defends Truman’s patriotism and doesn’t think he should be called to testify regarding Harry Dex ter White. Governor Byrnes re fuses to go to Washington to testi fy but says he will give the in formation at Columbia or write a letter. Republicans jubilant over winning a congressional seat in - California. The House lineup is now 219 Republicans, 215 Demo crats and 1 Independent .... Asheville Citizen reports that 4,500 people turned out Wednesday night to hear Billy Graham the evan gelist. . . . New forest fires in the mountains are making a lot of haze in this area . . . James L. Parker 29, of Black Mountain, truck driver for Walden'•ian Bak eries was killed instantly Wednes day when the truck he was driving was hit by Southern Railway pas senger train No. 28 at ‘a crossing two m’les south of Hendersonville. ... The Spar+ariburer Herald re ports that Linda Tillotson of Co lumbus w*s Mtt^n bv a mad dog at Campobello. The dog has b*»en Villod and doctors are considering a quarantine for that area as the -_Continued on Back Pane_ | FOOTBALL FRIDAY i Jryon High closes out its 1953 ! season Friday night at Harmon Field at 7:30 against Hot Springs High School. The Tigers will be at full strength for the first time in several weeks and hope to take their third win of the season. Kite Biedlejr and Bob Turner have re turned to the squad after missing I the Marshall game, due to injur j ies. Wednesday Bildler and Ron ; nie Ross gdt off several nice runs j in scrimmage while Ed Howard j and George Ford sparked defen i sively.—School Reporter. ! _ | HOSPITAL NEWS j New patients at St. Luke’s Hos I pital include Mrs. Alfred Caulder of Campobello; Mrs. A. L. Pace, Tryon; Mrs. J. T. Jones, Colum bus." • Patients discharged include James Reid, Landru™' He~~,*>n Lawter, • Landrum; Miss Ellen Holt, Tryon. Hospital Nows At Rotary I Dr. M. C. Palmer will be in charge of the Tryon Rotary Club I program Friday at 1 p. m., at Oak j Hall hotel. He plans to present j a program concerning St. Luke’s | Hospital, which he helped found 25 years ago. MASONS MEET FRIDAY The Jeff L. Nelson Masonic Lodge No. 605 will hold an emerg ent meeting Friday night at 7::30 for work in the First Degree. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sackett of- ^Evanston, 111, who spent their honteymoon in Tryon 31 years aeo, have returned to the c