MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT “THE PRESCRIPTION STORE” OWEN’S PHARMACY. Phone 202. WALGREEN AGENCY Thursday At 8 P. M. The program' for the Novem ber meeting of the P.-T. A. on Thursday evening will be a movie called “The Sixth Chair”. This is described as “ a dramatic por trayal of the dangers of public complacency toward education.” It stresses the need for building construction and modernization, more teachers, and plenty of up to-date educational tools. It is released by the Visual Education Department of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. BOY SCOUTS No. 2 The Boy Scouts of Troop No. 2 made the following advancements at the Court of Honor at Edmund Embury school: Firemanship, Donald Carson; citizenship in the home, Markey Fox; fishing, Herman Hannon. Serving on the court were W. H. Green, Homer Williams, Eulas KirkendaU, Charles Carson and M. V. Cooke. James Bryon, Scout master; Roy Berry, Assistant. Hartford’s Favorite Melody Quartet wil lbe at Lynn Baptist Church Sunday nieht, November 22, at 7 o’clock.—Ad. 17 18 19 20p 1939 Chevrolet 2 door. Radio, heater. Only $100. Pierce-Wil son Motor Co.—Adv. 18, 20. A. G. McMURRAY SURVEYOR Boundary and Topographic Sur veys; House Layouts. Office in On gar Building, Columbus, N. C. Telephone 2443. Now available as companion; experienced driver; free to go any where. For interview telephone 3-0151, Greenville, S. C.—Adver tisement 16, 18, 20p. 1947 Ford Club Coupe (8). Radio, heater, white tires; new seat covers. Extra clean. Sale price $695. Pierce-Wilson Motor Co.—Adv. 18, 20. HESTER REAL ESTATE ! & INSURANCE AGENCY J. B. Hester, Insurance Since ! 1905; W. M. Hester, Real | Estate Since 1923 ! Phone No. 37 . Tryon, N. C. * 4 Agents for: | Better Properties ' *From, Mountain Top to Valley” { TRYON REAL ESTATE | & INSURANCE i PHONES 9 and 196 $ Tom Costa Craig Thomas RECTOR’S (For 21 Years One of the South’s Better Cleaners) TE1FPHONE No. 203