- IT ISN’T YOUR IMAGINATION I IN WINTER, cold uninsulated walls and ceilings steal the comfort from your rooms because they absorb the heat radiating from your body — even though the room air temperature may be 72°. You can stop this wasteful, discomforting loss of heat quickly and easily — and save money doing It! In less time than it takes to repaint your house, our skilled workmen can insulate it with fireproof. GoMiSotld Rock Wool You will be amazed at the immediate change to cozy comfort. And best of all, your fuel bills will drop perma nently as much as 40%. In summer, too, your rooms will be surprisingly cooler. Find out how little it costs to install this modem improve* ment in your home. Phone us now. SPARTAN INSULATING CO. (Dial 7731 Collect) 389 Union Street SPARTANGURG, S. C.