Riding & Hunt Club Head --.-Continued, from Page One_ activities. He and Mrs. Oliver, a noted artist, have a home, Fancy Hill, in the Hunting Country here, where they spend their vacations and many weekends throughout the year. v WALTER D. MOSS ON HOSPITAL BOARD At" the regular meeting of. the" Board of Trustees of St. Luke’s. Hcrpital on Thursday, Nov. 19, the resignation of K. A. Bowen was received with regrets. He had served as a member of the board as secretary and as a member of the executive committee for many years with great credit. . Walter D. Moss was elected to fill his place on the board. Mr. Moss is general manager of the Trvon Processing Co., superin tendent of the Methodist Sunday school; a leader of the Boy Scout movement and a Rotarian. Singing at Pentecostal Church The fourth Sunday night sing ing at the Pentecostal Holiness Church, Sundav night following fhe P.H.Y.S. service at 7. Heman Burns and family will lead the singing. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Wor«hin at 11. The Rev. G. A. Payis, pastor. The Adult B. T. U. of Landrum First Baptist Church will have a Thanksgiving social Saturday at 7 p. m. at the pavilion in Brookwood Park. John G. Landrum Jr., in charge of program. TRYON ROCKETS WIN _Continued from Page features. Naomi Berry, High School se nior was elected Miss Edmund Embury at the football game and presented to the fans. Homecoming closed with a dance given by the Elks Lodge. John H. Carson of Morganton won the televisoin set given away at the school. The officials of the event ex press through the Bulletin their thanks for the cooperation of everyone in making the event so successful. HOSPITAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Virgo Belue of Landrum are parents of a son, born Nov. 19, at St. Luke’s Hos pital at 2:40 p. m. Other patients include Mrs. Flovd Phillips. Patients discharged include Olie Henderson, Landrum. Jimmy Ferguson of Asheville School will spend the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Ferguson, on Hearthstone Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Brint nall have as a guest, Miss Suzanne Roche Jones of Columbia, S. C. 1940 Ford Standard, 2 door. (85). New tires, heater, good" motor. Priced to sell at $295. Pierce-Wilson Motor Company.— Advertisement 18, 20. This Sunday Have Dinner At Sunnydale Choice of Appetizers; lloast Prime Ribs of Beef au jus . . . Roast Pork Loin with Apple Sauce . . French Fried Jumbo . - Fantail Shrimp Seirved with three vegetaffles, salad, choice of beverage and dessert Only $1.50-*jOhild,s portion served Reservations Appreciated—Phone 170