Operating Freezer Locker Mr. and Mrs. Berk 0. Skeen of Saluda are operating the Farmers Federation Freezer Lock er in Tryon. They cut up meat according to directions of custo mers and package it in 300 indi vidual lockers or storage meat in bulk in the larger freezer storage rooms. Mr. Skeen is a native of Akron, 0., and Mrs. Skeen of Houston, Tex. They were in Miami, Fla., for about 9 years before coming to Western North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kimberly and daughter, Mrs. Carlton Smith, and small son, Kim Smith, of Neenah, Wi«., have arrived at the Kimberly Tryon home, Eskdale Farm1 *in the Hunting Country. Ensign John R. (Bob) Kimberly Jr., U. S. Coast Guard, San Pedro, Calif., is also visiting his parents at Eskdale, and has as a guest. Miss Lucy Bell, of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Joe Wall is a patient in Moore General Hospital, Swannanoa. HOSPITAL NEWS New patients at St. Luke’s Hos pital include Mrs. Claytoj^Cox, Tryon; Mrs. Roxie Roach,^Pryon R-l; Paul Edwards, Landrum; Miss Carolyn Pace, Saluda. Twin sons were born Nov. 21 to Mr. and Mrs. James Hunt singer, but one of them died. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Miller are parents of a son born Nov. 21, at 9 a. m. ' Patients discharged include Mrs. Melvin Phillips, Mrs. • Dennis Duhn and baby daughter; Mrs. Ashby Wickham, Mrs. ■ Claude Davis, Floyd Henson. Second Lieut. Phil Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan H. Mor ris, has been promoted to first lieutenant at his air base in Cali fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blackwell are parents of a son born Saturday at Norman, Okla., Naval Base, where Mr. Blackwell is chief radio man in the Navy. The Blackwells now have four children, Carole, Barbara, Lynn and the new son. OATS (Our Aim, To Satisfy) PAINT COMPANY Paint Contracting — Interior or Exterior Glass Installed or Replaced Floors Sanded and Finished Estimates Gladly Given H. 0. STOUDENMIRE 0wner Telephone 193-X after 3 fe. JVL, or Write: BOX 961, TR^N, N- C.