TERRY HUNTSINGER Terry Huntsinger, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Huntsinger of Landrum, died Saturday at 11:20 p. m. at a Tryon hospital. Graveside services Monday at 2:30 p. m. at the Morgan Chapel Baptist Church. The Rev. G. A. Davis officiating. Survivors besides the parents, are two brothers, Billy and Jerry; the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Campbell of Land rum RFD No, 1, and the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Huntsinger of Tryon. Terry and Jerry were twins. McFarland Funeral Home of Tryon in eharge. MOTTSMAN OPENS STORE Edward Mottsman, who former ly operated Edward’s Shoppe in Tryon has closed that store and moved his stock to the building previously occupied by the State Trust Company opposite the South ern Passenger Depot. Mr. Mottsman says he is holding a clean-up sale and upon cleaning up the stpck of the Tryon store will open a new type of business at the jlepot.—Western Carolina Tribune, Hendersonville. j HESTER REAL ESTATE I & INSURANCE AGENCY I J. 6. Hester, Insurance Since | 1905; W. M. Hester, Real | Estate Since 1923 | j Phone No. 37 Tryon, N. C. j Coca-Cola Bottling Company 5 Forest City. N c. Sunnydale to Serve Thanks giving1 Dinner Sunnydale is going to *®5>ve dinner Thanksgiving Day begin ning „aE 12:30. The menu is one we believe you will enjoy. It con sists of a choice of Sunnydale soup, chilled juices, fresh fruit cocktail, roast 'premium turkey with all the trimmings, sweet potato souffle with nut topping, broccoli with Hallandaise sauce, congealed mixed vegetable salad| fresh pumpkin or mince pie, or ambrosia with whipped cream and choice of beverage. The price is only $1.50. (Child’s portion serv ed). If possible please make reser vations. Call 170 after 3:30.—Ad. Thomas Jones Private Eye | Polk County, North Carolina | LYNN1, N. C. • Buy Your Christmas Pres-1 ent Now and Start En- j joying It!—A * MOTOROLA TV $179.95 up Service Guaranteed I Music, plays, news and pic- J tures, games, contests, a I world of entertainment I brought in doors to add j good cheer to all members J of the family. Let us show ♦ you how easy to get all } this. ♦ Avant Electric Co. PHONE 51 Howard B. Greene, Mgr.