Christian Science'Ser Vices Thanksgiving Day A'^P^cial Thanksgiving service, open to the general public, is an nounced by Christian Science So ciety of Tryon for 11 a. m., on Thanksgiving Day. The service will be held in the church edifice at First Street. The latter portion of the service will be devoted to spontaneous expressions of gratitude by Chris tian Scientists for God’s goodness as shown in spiritual growth, heal: ing, and other blessings. ■ Selections on the subject of praise and thanksgiving to God will be read from the Bible and from - the Christian Science text book, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy, in a specially prepared Lesson-Sermon entitled, ‘Thanks giving.” The service is open to the general public and local church members have invited everyone to attend. Henrv Hart has returned , to Trvon from a business trip in the midwest. DR. EMIL SMITH “ OSTEOPATHY MANIPULATIVE TREATMENT Office and home treatments by appointment. Monday and Friday, 9 a. m. to. 5 p. m.; Wednesday, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Over Tryon A&P Store.—Adv’t. m. f. tf. FOR RENT: One 6 room house; one 7 room house; one 9 room hou?e; one 4 room house; ne 3 room house; ne 4 room apart ment: one 3 room apartment,. C. O. Story, Lynn, Phone 9188-J.— Adv. 26. 28, 30; nov. 6, 9, 10, 12, 16, 20, 23. 27, 30c. > E. J. Sdemons Phone B021 SPARTAN PLATING CO. ! 146 Carolina Ave. ! Spartanburg, S. C. I Plate** ■ — Silversmiths !— Silver Repaired, Replated The Bulletin, $3.00 per year in the county; $4 per year elsewhere. Public' stenographic service. Manuscript typing, general cor respondence, etc. Phone 243-R for appointment. Mrs. R. B. White.— Advertisement mon. tf. Attractively furnished apart ment for rent. Four rooms and bath; oil heat. Apply to Mrs. Mash, Walker St., Columbus, N. C.—Adv. 20, 23c. NOW ON SALE | I WORK CAPS W $•• our Corhartt full faihionod, waihabU work caps. In matching colon. These famous Union Made bib overalls with coats to match are really tops—for work ease and comfort—extra long wear ; —washable and color fast—neat appear* ance—triple chain stitched—and bar tacked at all stress points. We have your size and pattern. * J. G. BROWN & GO. Phone S9 •' LANDRUM. S. C.