THE TRM DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest DJ & Newspa-per Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 113 TF £ IN, N. C. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 25, 1953 Published Daily Except (Est. 1-31-28)_Saturday and Sunday_(5c Per Copy) XNTERF^pS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _^TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 38, Rel. Hum. 48, and it rained again last night . . Senator Joe McCarthy ^nswered former presi dent Harry Truman over TV and radio Tuesday night. McCarthy ism vs. Trumanism. President Eisenhower and family spending Thanksgiving at Augusta, Ga. . . . W. A. L. Sibley Sr., of Monarch Mills, has been named on board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond to succeed Carv L. Page of Tryon, president of I the Jackson Mills at Wellford, j according to the Associated Press. | .... On the Thanksgiving pro gram for Thursday is the Union Service at the Congregational Church House at 10 a. m.; Chris tian Science service at the edifice on First St., at 11 a, m.; Special Thanksgiving dinners at Oak Hall, Sunnydale and Bird Mountain Drivp-In, television, movies,'' radio, first hunt of the season at 3:15; II Trovatore grand opera at Spar- I tanburg Memorial auditorium at i 8 p. m. j RICKY McENTIRE Ricky Harold McEntire, 3-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold McEntire of Landrum R-l, died Tne«dav at 5:30 p. m. at the home, after six weeks’ illness. Surviving are the parents: three sisters,, JMane; Sandra Wanda, •_I on Back Page_' Christmas Preparations The Tryon Fire Department urges everyone to make a careful inspection of all their Christmas lights, wiring, connections and extension cords. Let’s all have a safe and happy holiday season. We are also making plans for our annual Christmas tree party for all the kids in this area. Any one wishing to contribute to our fund please give to any fireman or Bulletin office.—Cont. No Steak Supper Thursday Oak Hall Hotel will serve Thanksgiving- dinner at noon on Thursday but no meal in the eve ning in order to give staff mem bers part of a holiday. The usual Thursday night steak suppers will be resumed next week. Reynolds Stables Open J. Arthur Reynolds is anounc ing in the Bulletin' the opening of his stables in the Hunting Country and at Pine Crest Inn for the winter season. Hunters and pleasure horses will be available throughout the season. Reservations have already been made by out of town people for horses to be used in the hunt on Saturday which will be the second event of the hunt season. The first will be Thanksgiving D-ay. . Children desiring to learn to ride will be given a special rate and a guide during certain periods. Every year Reynolds horses win trophies and blue ribbons at horse shows and other riding -events throuf hout the south, east and mid west. and Arthur Reynolds is one of the b*st riding instructors in the country, according to officials of horse shows.