THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST. “Ancent and Modern Necrom ancy, Alias Mesmerism and Hyp notism, Denounced" is the' sub ject of the lesson-sermon in. all Christian Science Churches next Sunday. The Golden Text is from III John 1:11: “Beloved, follow, not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God." Passages from the Bible in clude: “For we wrestle not against flesh, and blood, but against prin cipalities, against powers, 'against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wicked ness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12. .And from “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy, “The march of mind and of honest investigation will bring the hour when the people will chain, with, fetters of some sort, the growing occultism of this period.” (Page 670.) Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Mahler will have as guests for the Thanks giving week-end, Mrs. Walter Hasten of Milwaukee, and James C. Hemphill of Chicago. FOR SALE Price—-a loving home for three semi-retriever puppies. Adorable, ^ but not house-broken. Call Mrs. Harkness Smith, 600, Tryon.—Ad vertisement p. I will be available for baby sitting. Mrs. Ella M. Range, Phone 272-J.—Adv. 9, 11, 12, 25 DON’T FORGET to call Sunnydale and make that reservation for THANKS GIVING DINNER. Phone 170 after 3:30.—Adv. 25 SHOW OF THE YEAR ! Thanksgiving Night Thursday—8 P. M. Charles. L. Wagner Presents Verdi’s Masterpiece The Grand Opera IL TROVATORE Spartanburg Auditorium Company of 75 with 26 ; Piece Symphony Orchestra Tickets on sale Auditorium Box ;! Office. (Telephone 8107 for Reservations) - !; Orchestra and First Balcony, I Reserved Seats $2.60-$3.25 ;! (Tax Incl.) !; • Siding • Storm Sash . • Weather Stripping • Glass Jalousies • Ornamental Iron Spartan Insulating Company Dial 7731 Collect 389 Union St. h T SPARTANBURG, S. C.