PliUYN GIVES THANKS The Rev. H. A. Pruyn had charge of the Kiwanis program Tuesday at Oak Hall hotel. The Rev. Mr. Pruyn said some of the things that he was thankful for were humor, home and happiness. After his talk the speaker answer ed questions on the Middle East, where he spent several years. Dr. Geofge S. Vosburgh Jr. led the club in singing several songs appropriate for Thanksgiving. Guests of the club were Kiwan ian Rupert Koch, Hendersonville; Mrs. Elbert Arledge and T. M. Patrick Jr. Virginia Horseman Here J. Arthur Reynolds Stables has announced the addition of Cecil Tuke of Hot Springs, Va., who will be in charge of the stable at Pine Crest. Mr. Reynolds who is in charge of the stable in the Hunting Coun try states that Mr. Tuke was born in the Virginia section of fine horses and that he is experienced as a riding master, hhving done much work for hotels and resort centers and knows how to care for riders coming to the inns and hotels. HOSPITAL NEWS New patients at St. Luke’s Hos pital include Wallace Wood of Tryon. Patients discharged include Lynch Whitesides of Mill Spring; Harry Smith of Garden City, Long Island; Mrs. Virgo Belue and baby son of Landrum. C. C. Feagan, John W. Cowan of Tryon, were among approxi mately 300 farmers from this s ection who visited the > Purnia Research Farm at Gray Summit, Mo., last, week and spent the fol lowing day touring the company's mills and research laboratories in St. Louis. For Thanksgiving Week Parties serve Benne Balls appetis ers. The Hearthside. —^Adv’t. Hounds Open Season Thurs. The Tryon Hounds will hold their first meet Thanksgivk^r JDay at 3:15 p. m. at the Ch%j|>A^pin Farm entrance. All members have been requested to wear their col ors. It will be a drag hunt. Ernst Mahler and Arthur Far well are joint masters and Mrs. Wm. E. Munk is secretary. Mill Siting WMU Studies Life of Korean People The Woman’s Missionary So ciety of the Mill Spring Baptist Church met at the home of Mrs. Lee Thompson. The program was “Advance Through Suffering In Korea”. The Rev. A. C. Martin gave the opening prayer; Mrs. Joe Walker used as the devotional Hebrews 11:33-40; 1 Cor. 3:13-15; Mrs. Robert Jolley discussed Korea in the early years; Mrs. Carl Thorne discussed Korea of today; Mrs. Pauline Bell gave a story “E'sukan Became Esther!” Guests were, Vernon Steppe and Frank Foy. Two of our boys who' were in service in Korea. They gave a very interesting discussion on the Korean people and their ex perience with them. Mrs. -Thompson served refresh ments to members and visitors. RICKY McENTIRE Continued from Page One .... all of the home; the- paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McEntire of Landruih R-l; and the maternal grandfather, Earle Fain of Campobello Something new at The Hearthside. Or iginal Hummel * Fig ures —- c o 11 e c. t o r’s items*.—Adv’t. A. G~ M e MURRAY SURVEYOR Boundary and Topocrraphfr Sur- !; veys; House Layouts. Office in ! Onger Boildinsr. Columbus, N. 1 C. Telephone 2443.