THE EAGLE MAN Jjftow that the Thanksgiving sfetison is here, it is very appro priate that the noted eagle man, Charles L. Broley, is to tell us in Tryon, about our National Bird—the great American bald eagle—which he is actively trying to save from extinction. He has an exciting tale of his experiences in banding these eagles and his extraordinary mo tion pictures in color, taken at close range, will be most enjoy able to see. Mr. Broley is a very entertaining speaker. He has met with enthusiastic audiences wher ever he has been. He will be at the Congregational Church House this Saturday night at 8. Dona tions: $1 £or adults; 50c for chil dren. Contact any member of the Tryon Bird Club, or obtain tick ets at Missildine’s.—S. J.f Club Reporter. Young man desires position as bookkeeper or other office work in or near Tryon. 2 years experi ence in accounting. James Power, Tel. 48-J, Tryon.—Adv. 20, 23, 25p WANTED TO BUY: Old China, glassware, all kinds of bric-a-brae and old furniture. Write Edgewood Antiques, Route 3, Spartanburg, S. C. or call Spartanburg 21152. —Advertisement ths.. fri. tf. Southwick SUPERFLEX No excess padding or canvas stiffen ing. Easy lines. PLENTY DIFFERENT! Yes... there's plenty that sets the Southwick Superflex apart ~7from commonplace clothes. The casual distinction of its easyi lines. Its gentlemanly natural shoulders. The com plete freedom of its soft con struction. Exclusive with . . . Greenev^ald's. $65 and 69.50 SPARTANBURG, S. C.