BUS COMPANY SHOULD DEMj WITH UNION A "National Labor Relations Board trial examiner has recom mended that Carolina Scenic Stages negotiate with the Brother hood of Railroad Trainmen as representing striking drivers. The report was written by Eugene' F. Frey* the Associated; Press reported. It recommended that the com pany _ cease dealing with employes. individually- in respect to pay, wages, hours and other conditions of employment. The import also recommended that Carolina Scenic not interfere with employes in the exercise of their right of self-organization. Bus drivers of the company went on strike last March, several months after Paul Stevens was appointed , receiver in court ac tion. Later, another court de cision returned control to Hamish Turner, president. Mr. Turner expanded operation of bus service by employing new drivers to replace those on strike. _ Last week, control again was given to Mr. Stevens in a decision handed down bv Federal Judge George Bell Timmerman Sr.— The Spartanburg Herald. POUND: On Melrose Ave., a fountain pen. Owner nuay have it by describing: and paying 60c for this advertisement. HOUSE REPAIR SERVICE. Can fix your roof, steps, porch, terraces. Any kind of carpentry or masonary work. D. C. Pettit, Box 501, Tryon. adv. thurs tf.