Published Daily Except ( E sty Js31-28)_Saturday and Sunda/y_(5c Per Copy) SNTEK^Aa SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFfTCE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OP CONGRESS, MARCHg, 1879 TUI! TI'TO DAILY BULLETIN The World's Small 5 daily Newspaper ' Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 120 / •gfRYON, N. C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1953 Weather Thursday: High 58, low 29, Rel. Hum. 58 ... A torna do in Louisiana and Mississippi, near Alexandria, La., Wednesday killed nine, injured 34 and de molished homes and other proper ty ... . President Eisenhower in Bermuda today for talk with Sir Winston Churchill of England and Premier Laniel of France . . Hope Root, 52 year old Miami, Fla., lawyer died Thursday while diving nearly -500 feet .in the ocean. He broke the world’s* record, but didn’t live to know it . . . Snowstorm in! Kansas, Colorado, and Nebraska. . . . New York City still has no major newspaper service while workers are on strike . . . Tryon Volunteer Firemen will have San ta Claus again this year. He will ride a big fire truck from the city hall to the big Christmas tree to be erected on Trade Street a few days before Christmas. Last year the firemen distributed 1,500 bags of candy and fruit to all the young children in this section regardless of color or residence. They plan to do the same thing this year and need about $125 to complete their budget. Donations may be Fent to any fireman or to the Bulle tin office . . . Peter Mahler return ed from the International Live stock Exposition in Chicago Wed nesday and brought back a Chicago Tribune. It had a picture of Mrs. —_Continued on Back Page_j THE TREES ARE UP In order to cut the Christmas trees for Trade Street before the rain made it impossible to drive over the wet ground, the Chamber of Commerce got busy Wednesday to locate a truck big enough to haul them. John W. Cowan of Cowan’s Super Market volunteered the use of his truck and became the first donor to the fund this year. Buchanan’s 5&10c came j across with a cash donation and I the trees were on their way. Other | donations are in the mail and will [ be reported Monday. It «rill take i $175 more than what’s in. the | treasury to wire the trees and pay the electric bills. Contribu ! tions may be sent to the Cham j ber of Commerce or the Bulletin office, or left at the Tryon Bank ' & Trust Co., the easiest way for | you to give it. Probably your | grocer would take it if you request i it. This is one contribution you j can _ make tq send out beams of | Christmas cheer to thousands of I people who pass through Trade ! Street during the holidays.—Curb j Reporter. i HOSPITAL NEWS | New patients at St. Luke’s Hos pital include Ross Klatte and I James C. Hooper, both of Tryon. | Inman Party At Oak Hall The Junior Women’s Club of ! Inman held their annual dinner | meeting at Oak Hall hotel Thurs day night. Their husbands were honor guests. A string1 ensemble consisting of Mrs. George P. Thompson, Mrs. W. H. Henley and Mrs. Kenneth Coates of Spar tanburg gave a musical program. Dinner was served to about 80 guests... .