* Pubfahed Daily Except (Eat.f^l-28) Saturday and, Sunday_ (5c Per Copy) ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OP CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THU rimis DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest $ ly Newspaper Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 124 f gfON, N. C. THCURSDAYT DEC. 10. 1953 Weather Wednesday: High 52, low 40, rain .75, Rel. Hum. 94. . . . Russia seen as opposed to President Eisenhower’s plan for international cooperation to control. atomic power, according to radio bradcasts from Russia. Jim Baker Jr., has a radio with shortwave power strong enough to bring in Russia and other countries of the world. The other flight a man speaking in English with a definite American accent, was praising Russia and telling about how bad conditions were in America .... American people can’t be very bad when from their own hearts they help so many needy people all over the world and when they volunteer their donations to pay for light ing Christmas trees on Trade Street just to send out beams of good cheer to all who-wish to look. Weren’t the lights cheerful all day Wednesday during the rainy and cloudy atmosphere when a light of any kind would help warm the heart? This the poorest as well as the richest can' enjoy, if -he has a sense of appreciation and a desire ... . . Season’s worst snowstorm hits upper midwest says headlines in Asheville Citi zen. The continuous rain did not interfere with approximately 400 people who were served a turkey dinner at the Congregational ——Continued on Back Page_ FRIDAY SCHEDULE - Friday is another busy day for people in this area who have work to do, want to see the movies, television and listen to the radio or go to basketball games. At 10 a. m. Friday the first group trail ride will be put on by the Riding & H,unt Club ending at Pine Crest Inn for a picnic lunch as guests of the Inn. 1 p. m. Rotary at Oak Hall with Ernst Mahler as guest speaker. 2 p. m. at Oak Hall the Tryon Pre-Holiday Bridge Tournament begins and lasts for two days. 2:30 to 4:30 p. m. The Book Shelf invites the public to meet Thelma Harrington Bell and Corydon Bell, author and illustra tor autographing “Take It Easy” 3:30 p. m. Gay Blades Garden Club meets with Mrs. Austin Woody. 7 p. m. Tryon, Saluda, Landrum and Columbus Presbyterian men meet at Columbus. ‘‘Book of Happiness” Solves Gift Problems As perennial as Dickens’ “Christ mas Carol” is the annual problem, “What to give?” The Tryon Theatre has come to the rescue of that unfortunate giver who never seems to know just what to give who, says Manager Jacoby. “The delightful solution to this problem is ‘Books of Happiness’. These attractive books are avail able in several denominations and they contain tickets good for en tertainment for weeks to come. Al most any friend or member of the family can truthfully say, ‘That’s just what I wanted’!” says Mr. Jacoby, who is advertising the books iri the Bulletin.