00) Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday (5c Per Copy) SNTEREd AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20,' 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE Trail DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smal 05 daily Newspaper Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 125! -g TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1953 Weather Thursday: High 60, low 40, rain .39, Rel. Hum. 48 ... . WELCOME to Tryon is extended the out of town bridge players at Oak Hall this weekend and to Mr. and Mrs. Corydon Bell at the Book Shelf who will auto graph books this afternoon from 2:30 to 4:30. The Christmas tree lights on Trade Street wish you and all strangers within our gates A Merry Christmas from many people in the community. They are put up by contributions from chil dren,'visitors, business people and others who believe in spreading tne Christmas Spirit to all. No gift has been too small .or too large. Contributions are unsolicit ed. They come from the heart from people who have sent them through the mail, or delivered in person to the Bank, Chamber of Com merce or Bulletin offiffice. So far, no one has said, in the language of old Scrooge, “Bah, Humbug! I don’t believe in Christmas Spir it.” So, there is hope of raising the balance needed to light the -trees. Not many of the merchants1 have been heard from. They are begged so often for so many things they are not accustomed to being left alone to volunteer their sup port to start anything even when its for their own interest. These Christmas trees go to all of you from the desire of many indivi -Continued on Page Two_ Merry Christmas To You . There has been contributed $122 this year to the lighted Christmas trees on Trade Street which is about the half way mark to take care of this year’s expenses. A surplus is always raised each year to carry over to help out the fol lowing1 year, because trees have to be cut, hauled and put up be fore the current year’s donations come in. It cost $81 to cut the trees this year and have them put up -with the lights on. This money was paid from last year’s surplus. New wire and bulbs have to be bought from time to time to replace those worn out, stolen or broken. The electric biH last year was around $133. This bill varies according to the number of trees lighted and the number of days they are used. In wishing everyone A Merry Christmas con tributions Thursday came from Arledge Hardware, Mrs. Robert Erskine, M3r. and Mrs. Russell Walcott, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. An drews, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fel lows, Mrs. C. W. Kittrell, Mrs. Harkness Smith, Elbert H. Ar ledge, Printer, Mrs. J. H. Rion, Hubbard Arledge, Dr. Edmund Wylie, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Jack son, Rion and Claudia Sue Mac Donald, Carroll P. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Britton, R. H. Brady Insurance Agency. Bridge Tourney Opens Today In Tryon Hotel By Dick Kwplam.. - With the vanguard of the south eastern area’s leading masters on hand, the Tryon Pall Sectional Contract Bridge Tournament was ready -lor opening play here to day at the Oak Hall hotel. A sectional tournament of the —Continued an Back Page—_