Published Daily Except (Est. 1^31-28)_Saturday and Sunday_(5c Per Copy) ilN 1 fillip AS fcSiXXJND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. U; THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRVII MILT BULLETIN The World’s Smallest DA Newspaper Vol. 26—No. 127 Seth M. Vining, Editor TR JN, N. C. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1953 Weather Monday: High 48, low 40, rain 1.34, Rel. Hum. 56 ... . President Eisenhower urges all communities to make preparations against atomic war and in case of attack to avoid panic. One of the best ways to avoid destruc tion by atomic war is to start now being kind to our neighbors and members of our families. We must set the example. When our fami lies spread out they soon become strangers. A lot of brothers and sisters don’t see one another after they grow up. Their nieces and nephews are not known. They be come people of the world, strang ers whom we compete against economically and otherwise, and if they move across boundary lines,, people we must fight. That’s one reason we shoo id consider everv stranger a brother, and treat him with genuine kindness. For a selfish reason if for no other. In the long run we find it a lot of fun and real joy not matched by anything else. It has the deep satis faction of* victory with humility, not something to crow about, like victory in war or a game# but a victory over evil forces within us; and then the joy of fellowship with similar minds who understand and appreciate our struggles and our mutual voals for a better world. Let’s start today with our kindness in every way and keep ;—Conntiued on Back Page_ Try on Splits With Inman Last night in the Tryon gym the Tryon girls earned, a hard 47-38 win while the boys dropped a 95-71 decision to ,Inman High., Myrna Constance and Lila Han cock took scoring honors for the girls while Hazel Edwards, Ann Moon and Margaret Blackwell played • their usual brilliant de fensive game. The Tryon boys played well but could not stop Inman’s big Marshall Perkins, who dropped in 43 points from every angle. Ronnie Ross, Raleigh Parker, and Kite Biedler led Tryon’s scorers while John Brad shaw played a great floor game.— School Reporter. LANDRUM, MILL SPRING RURITANS WIN IN DISTRICT CONTESTS At the district .convention held at Fairforest last Friday the Landrum Ruritan Club won first place for outstanding community service, for participation in num erous civic improvements, especial ly work toward getting a new million dollar industry . for the community. Mill Spring club tied Central, S. C., for honors in its expan sion program. Richard E. Tukey, manager of Spartanburg Chamber of Com merce, Editor Charles O. Hearon and Dean Ward were the judges. Mr. Tukey in presenting the awards stated that the judges saw Ruritans as good citizens doing much to beter their- corpmunities. 8JV1 O R E Shopping Days Til Christmas!