(Est. jjggtl-28) snt; Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday (5c Per Copy) AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _AT TRYON, N. C, ^ JDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879_ THE TRljlS DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest ly Newspaper Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 128 1 £ fON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, DEC1. 16, 1953 . Weather Tuesday: High 52, low 26, Rel. Hum. 43 . . . Christmas is a time when everyone's mind turns toward God and the fellow ship of family, and friends, said Tommy Patrick, toastmaster at the annual Duke Power Company Christmas party at Oak Hall on Tuesday night. A program of string music was given by the Thompson ensemble of Spartan burg and Christmas songs were sung by Duke employees and their guests from all over the Tryon district^ Special guests included' Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Bowen, of Gastonia, Mr. and Mrs. John Brookshire, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Geddings of Spartanburg, Miss Elizabeth Early of Greenville, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sloan of Henderson ville. Gifts were presented each person present and special gifts were presented through bingo games. Mr. Brookshire was" the chief speaker and was high in praise of Mr. Bowen who has been promoted from. Tryon to Gastonia, and of Mr. Patrick, whom he had known since Tom my was a little boy, and had ob served Kim throughout his career in Chester, S. C. He is tops in personality, efficiency and loyalty to Duke Power Company. Mr. Brookshire said .loyalty comes be fore friendship because there are times when you have to say “No” —_Continued on Back Page__ THE PORT OF NEW YORK The Kiwanis Club saw a movie on the Port of New York at Qak Hall hotel. The film showed the freight coming in and out of the port by trains, trucks, planes, ships and showed how it was moved from one place to another by mod ern machinery. The movie pointed out that 200,000,000 tons of com merce passed through the New Jersey-New York Port each year and that it took a half a million people to keep the port operating smoothly and efficiently. Guests of the club were J. B. Johnson, Charlotte; Rupert Koch, Hendersonville and Leonard Por ter of Tryon. Albert Simpson was in charge of the program. FOR LIGHTED TREES New contributions for the light ed Christmas trees on Trade Sit. have come in from Mr. and Mrs. •John A. Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Ince, Maj. and Mrs. A. R. Herron, Mrs. Harry Allen, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Guilbert’s Toy House, Miss Genevieve Wash burn, Mrs.- HT Lan Moore, Mr. and Mlrs. Carroll G. Bennett, Dr. and Mrs. Virgil Jordan, Mrs. John L. Washburn, the Rev. James B. Sill, Mr. and Mrs. Demus (jhap man, James B. Hester, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howell. Emergent Masonic Meeting /An emergent meeting of the Jeff L. Nelson Masonic Lodge will be held Thursday night at 7:30 at the lodge hall for work in the Master’s Degree. 7M O R E Shopping Days Til Christmas!