GREENS SALE TODAY Christmas greens and Christmas decorations are on sale today from 11 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. at the Congregational Church House. All greens have been cut and arranged according to conserva tion principles (by the garden clubs of the county, home demon stration clubs, 4-H clubs. An advertisement in the Bulle tin listed Christmas trees, wreaths, table decorations, home trim mings, Christmas goodies and specialties. WRONG “GENERAL” In listing the Frigidaire appli ances in Avant Eiectric Co. ad vertisement Wednesday, the wrong General was named as the manu facturer. It should have been Generol Motors. The other Gen eral is a good one, but he was in the wrong place in Avant’s adv. Jim Marshall of Summit, N. J., is expected home for the Christ mas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Marshall. FOR SALE: One plastic Couch, rose color, just covered, $35; one new TV Chair, $15. RaflV Up holstery Shop in the ^7alley, Phone 232-J.—Adv. 17, 18c. FRESH KILLED FRYERS at at BALLENGER’S FOODLAND Remember to register for the FREE Westinghouse Cook-N-Fryer to be given away. THE CHURCH of the HOLY CROSS Rev. Charles L. McGavem, Rector Christmas Week Services THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24th Carols and Holy Communion.11:30 P. M. FRIDAY, CHRISTMAS DAY Holy Communion.8:00 A. M. and 10:00 A. M. SATURDAY, DEC. 26th, ST. STEPHEN’S DAY Holy Communion.. 10:30 A. M. SUNDAY, DEC. 27th, ST. JOHN, EVANGELIST Holy Communion.. - 8:00 A. M. Church School.9:30 A. M. Morning Prayer and Sermon.11:00 A. M. MONDAY, DEC. 28jth, HOLY INNOCENTS Holy Communion - 10:30 A. M. The choir will sing at the Christmas Eve. Service only. The public is invited to attend all services.