(Est. 1-31-28) Published Daily Except Saturday and Sundry SNT5 ^ - ,_(5c Per Copy) AS SECOND -CLASS MATTER AUGUST ^ '.928, AT THE POSTOPPICB ^^T TRYON, N, C. UNDER THE ACT ^ O& .GRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 the nwjm njlletu The World’s Smallest DiYT Vol. 26—No. 134 wspaper Seth M. Vining, Editor N. C. THURSDAY, DEG. 24, 1964 Curb Reporter Santa Claus .comes tonight in in all homes where there are little children; and unless we adults become as little children we cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We must be as hopeful, believing and trusting in the Great Santa Claus who created us all and looks to us'to respond to His love of our own free will. Our only way to show it is by spreading the Spirit of Christmas, especially to., all unfortunates; for whatever we do for them and to strangers is the same as doing it to" Him. Greetings From the Tryon Postal Employees It is our sincere wish and hope that each piece of mail delivered to you during the past year has brought some degree of satisfac tion, joy, peace or hope. For each message of sorrow we hope you have received a hundred that gave some degree of pleasure. We are so grateful to so many people for so much, that it be hooves us to attempt tc express our appreciation. We hope each of you will take this message as a per sonal “Thank You” from each of us. Your patience, kindness s$nd expressions of appreciation _ for our efforts will not soon be for gotten.' m . . May this Christmas season bring joy into the hearts of all and a greater appreciation of the One Who Gave His Son that we of the twentieth century might have _ freedom of thought, action and above all freedom to worship the Babe of Bethlehem. Isham Henderson, Postmaster. D. L. BALLEW PASSES David Lawrence Ballew, 93, Landrum’s oldest retired merchant and father of 'the late T. W. Bal lew of Tryon, passed away Wed nesday afternoon at 3:30 at his home in Landrum. Funeral services will be held Christmas Day at 2 p. m., at Oak Grove Baptist Church of which he was a deacon for 64 years. Burial will be in the family plot at the church. Mr. Ballew was born in upper Greenville County, S. C., son of the late David and Ellender Lind say Ballew. He had made his “home in Landrum for 40 years and was in the mercantile busi ness there for 24 years until his retirement. He and Mrs. Ballew, the former Mary Catherine Gosnell who survives him, celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary on November 29. Besides his widow he is surviv ed by three sons and three daugh ters, J. E. Ballew of Landrum; Wortha and Bryson Ballew of Nashville, Tenn.; Mrs. J. M. Bar nette, and Mrs. Connie Howard, Landrum; Mrs. David McDaniel. Paterson, N. J. Also 39 grand children and 33 great grand children. Services will be conducted bjf the Revs. A. A. Scoggins, A. T. How ard, W. B. Belue and Henry An derson. Grandsons who will serve as pall bearers are H. D. Jr., and Alfred McDaniel, Julian Barnette, Hubert and Merle Ballew. and Olan How ard. . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Erskine Jr., of Philadelphia arrive In Tryon today for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Erskine.