(Est. m -28) Published, Daily Except Saturday and Sunday (5c Per Copy) SNTERePKs SECOND CLASS' MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. Uf'jgfo THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 I’HE TRY fl DULY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest f Newspaper Seth M. Vining, Editor J ^/ON, N. C. THURSDAY, DEC. 31, 1953 Vol. 26—No. 139 Weather extremes over the Christmas week amounted to a high of 62 and a low of 22, rain, .18 . . . Today is the last day of the year 1953. An attractive calender put out by Kimberly Clark Corporation quotes Benja min Franklin as saying, “Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every New Year -find you a better man.” . . . ROTARY CLUB meets TODAY on account of Friday being New Year’s ... A RADIO STATION FOR TRYON is underway. Mil- J dred Allen and Dorothy Friend, partners in the Thermal Broad casting Co., of Tryon, N. C., have made application to the Federal Communications Commission for a radio station on 1540 kilocycles, 260 watts during daytime hours. Misses Allen and Friend are teach ers in the University of Tulsa at Tulsa, Okla., according to Co Manager George Cooksey of Oak I Hall Hotel, who says the station will be located on Oak Hall Hotel with studios on the top floor. How ard Frankenfield Jr., made a sur vey of the property several weeks1 ago in making preparation to sub mit application. The home ad dress i«s listed at present in care of Miss Mildred Allen, Tulsa, Okla. Hendersonville business houses I are observing Jan. 1 as a full holiday by closing. " I Dr. Palmer Moines Office Dr. M. C. Palmer is moving his medical office today, Dec. -31, from the Jackson building over Foodland, to his new modern office building, which is nearing com pletion on Pacolet Street at the junction with Walnut St., opposite the First Baptist Church. Dr. J. W. Austin Woody, who has occupied offices in the same quarters with Dr. Palmer, will remain in the building until next spring when he and Dr. J. T. Mize will move into their new building on Hospital Road. When completed Dr. Palmer’s building will be one of the most modern of its kind in this section. RINDAL RITES TODAY ' Funeral services for Mrs. H. T. Rindal of Hendersonville will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Thomas Sheperd Memorial Chapel, with Rev. James P. Burke, Rector of St. James Episcopal Church, officiating. Burial will be in the church yard Calvary Episcopal Church at Fletcher. Pallbearers are Ernst Mahler Jr., T. D. Hunter Jr., George Lundstrom, Fred Leech, Ernest M. Boys and Dr. D. I. C. King. NOTED PUBLISHER HERE Robert Treble of Chicago, presi dent of the Encyclopedia Britanni ca, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Ferguson at their home on Hearthstone Ridge. Mr. Treble will address the Tryon Rotary Club today (Thursday) on phases of the publishing business. Rotary meets today at Oak Hall instead of Friday on account of the New Year Holiday. Mr. Fer guson will be in charge of the program.