Tryon Daily Bulletin, Wed., Mar. 19, 1980 Curb Reporter Continued From Page One the courthouse. Bob Jones, a candidate for the State House of Representatives will be the guest speaker. For County Council W. Ray Miller W. Ray Miller of Woodruff, S. C. has announced for the Spartanburg County Council. Mr. Miller is manager of Jeffrey Manufacturing Company in Woodruff, a Division of Dressor Industries. He has served as President of the Spartanburg Development Association, a founder and President of the Junior Achieve ment, General Campaign Chair man and President of the United Way of Spartanburg, President and Treasurer of the United Services Council and board member of the Spartanburg Technical College. He is also vice chairman of the Spartanburg Planning and Development- Commission and vice president of the Spartanburg Arts Council. BATON TWIRLING The Southeastern Regional Baton Twirling Championship was held Saturday, March 15 at West Mecklenberg High School in Charlotte, North Carolina. Among those competing was Kerry Wolfe, seven-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Preston White of Green Creek. Kerry placed fourth in Special Queen of the Day, and event in which contestants modeled “dress of choice” and were judged on poise, personality, modeling, projection and physical beauty. Kerry also competed in Special Beginner Basic Strutting and placed Fifth. Kerry’s instructor is Starke Ward of Spartanburg. REPUBLICAN PRECINCT MEETINGS THURSDAY Continued From Page One Mill Spring School, 7:30 p.m.; No. 7, home of Robert Placak, Skyuka Rd., 7:30 p.m.; No. 8, NCNB Columbus, 7:30 p.m.; Nos. 9 and 10, Green Creek Commun ity Bldg., 8:30 p.m. GETS SCHOLARSHIP Continued From Page One Cindy has been a member of the high school band and the softball team and is listed as an AFS scholar. Anita Bryant Special The Anita Bryant Television Special will be Friday from 9 to 11 p.m. on WLOS-TV Ch. 13. Special guests will include Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., Pat Boone, Lu Lu Roman, The Imperials, Tex Beneke, Gen. Westmoreland and Bob Hope. Wrecks The Tryon Police Department investigated a wreck Sunday and Monday. Sunday at 1:45 p.m. an accident took place in front of The Pantry on South Trade Street, Tryon. James B. Lawson of Rt. 1. Campobello, driving a ’76 Plymouth was going west on Hwy. 176 and attempted a right turn into The Pantry. Robert Frost. Rt. 1. Duncan. S. C., driving a ’75 Pontiac was also heading west on Hwy. 176. Mr. Frost said that he thought that Mr. Lawson was going straight in the left lane and he was passing him when the car turned right. Only minor damage was done to both vehicles according to Tryon Police Officer Leon Foy who investigated the accident. Monday at 9:40 a.m. a two car accident took place near the State Line. Joe Swinburne of Rt. 1, Columbus, driving a ’77 Ply mouth Station Wagon was heading south on Hwy. 176 and attempted to turn left into Earley’s Sheet Metal Shop. Gary Sherman of, Landrum, driving 3 '79 Toyota was headed north on Hwy. 176, and the two cars hit. Tryon Police Officer Leon Foy, who investigaged the accident along with Chief Jerry Ross, stated that about $1800 was done to the Plymouth and about $2500 to the Toyota. To Consider Request From Saluda ASHEVILLE — Officers for 1980-81 will be elected during the Western North Carolina Health Systems Agency's Governing Body meeting to be held Wednesday, March 26 at the S&W Cafeteria. Vacancies, currently existing on the Governing Body will also be filled during the meeting. Reports will be heard from the Executive Director, Nominating Committee, Plan Development Committee, and Project Review Committee. The Project Review Committee is requesting approv al of a suggested revision to the work program to conduct Appropriateness Review and discussion of a memorandum of agreement regarding Appropri ateness Review. The Governing Body will also consider a request from the President of the Saluda Medical Center for designation of the Saluda area as a Health Manpower Shortage Area for primary medical and dental care. The meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. and is open to the public. The closest star to our sun Centauri, is about 25 W THE HEARTHSTONE INN Will Be CLOSED THURSDAY EVENING (March 20) M ** * - 3 rT^k^^) (T^^T) firss^^-J) TMWT> iTM^TS J^W^ 6 Let’s Clown A round At The 0. P. Earle Elem. PTA School J SPRING FESTIVAL ? Saturday, March 22 a. From 10—3, inside school LUNCH SERVED FROM 11—1 Free ticket to any child who draws a clown picture GAMES FOR EVERYONE! Communication Editor Tryon Bulletin Tryon, N. C. Dear Sir: Federal waste of taxpayers’ money has become so awesome that the latest instance — $700 million in overpayments by the Social Security Administration — has passed almost without comment. The General Account ing Office puts Federal waste at the unbelievable sum of more than $15 billion a year. The key question is whether Americans can do anything about this, or whether we’re already beyond a point of recall. I believe we can. One bold step could take us back to sound, prudent government. That step is repeal of the 16th Amendment — the notorious amendment which established the Federal Income Tax. The Washington wastrels will never act on their own. We must deny them the money. Sincerely. John J. Moran Mountain Shadows, P. O. Box’425 Columbus, N. C. 28722 in the universe, Proxima trillion miles away.