Tryon Daily Bulletin, Wed., Mar. 19, 1980 Block House for our races ”> sa y s Steeplechase Chairman Tim Brannon. Draws Community “Whether individuals band to- Involvement From power for the Tower to jumps to prize money for the races, the Block House Steeple chase is 5 product of community pride and volunteerism. Not only do Steeplechase committees serve many long hours with no more reward than the sense of a job well done, but over 250 members of civic and professional groups contribute time and energy to making Race Day (April 5 this year) Polk County’s biggest event of the year. Groups helping this year’s Steeplechase effort are: Tryon Kiwanis Club (Gate), Polk County Jaycees (Gate and Program Sales), Tryon Boy Scouts (Parking), Polk County and Landrum Rescue Squads (Medical Aid), Polk County Sheriff’s Dept., N.C.-S.C. High Patrol and Tryon Police Dept. (Crowd Control), Tryon Boosters Club (Concession Stand), Tryon Volunteer Fire Department (Fire Prevention). Companies contributing to the Steeplechase’s success are Duke Power (Tower power), Mid Carolina Telephone Company (Tower telephone), McFarland’s Funeral Home (Marquees). “Individual contributions of both money and time, have been the single largest success factor gether to lend group support or whether people help individually, we owe a lot of gratitude to the people of this community. “By early March, one Steeple chase supporter had already delivered a check to the Tryon Riding & Hunt Club earmarked for purse money. He’d heard that Atlanta’s commercial sponsor had upped their prize offerings, and he wanted to help us out. It’s that kind of attitude that makes the Block House Races special.” Mrs. William H. Siebrecht of Tryon has as guests her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Callahan and children, Michael Jr. and Sierra of Boston. FOR SALE: ’66 Dodge Char ger. Custom-made four bucket seats and console, 28,000 miles on 340 engine, less than 1000 miles on new transmission. Wrecked left front fender. Call after 3:30 p.m., 457-4781. adv. 19,c. FOR SALE: Panasonic AM- FM stereo with turntable and speakers. Also 2 shelf speakers, 6 in. Wolfer and 3 in. Tweeder; Hamster cage and Sharpe scientific calculator. Call 457-2222 after 6 p.m. adv. 19, pd. Wofford Coliege Glee Club And Ensemble SUNDAY - MARCH 30 - 8:00 P. M. IN • CONCERT • • TRYON FINE ARTS CENTER ^ADULTS $3.50 STUDENTS $2.50^ >♦»♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦•»•—*M****»»»^ • Quality Furniture • General Electric and Frigidaire Appliances ^ • RCA, Zenith ♦ Wunda Weve Carpet Our own service department. ]* G&K Appliance & Furniture Co. o COLUMBUS, N. C. Phone 894-821B ♦ ,x.>c>>ox>o-co>>x>>o>>c^ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ If You Think You’re Healthy , Read This Perhaps you have never been blessed with natural health...natural health that comes only when you have a perfect, unblocked nerve system. I’m talking about the solid “yours-for-life” kind of health that gives you boundless strength and energy for the day's work...builds firm tissue and muscles all over your body...fights off the usual deterioration of “middle age"...brushes aside sickness, shrugs off ordinary aches and pains...rewards you continuously with that “isn’t-it-great-to-be-alive” after glorious day. Yes, that’s the kind of health I mean. Not one person in a hundred has it today, but chances are you can enjoy health like that...if you are willing to open your mind to a new look at life and health. All healing of lasting value comes frem within t^e body. You were born to be healthy, and health is within you now. But good health depends on good nerve func tion. Nerves are the electrical system of the human body, and the spinal column is the “switchboard" controlling health. The doctors at the Kale Clinics have spent years studying and learning the innermost secrets of the human nerve system. Their objective is to locate and correct the nerve trouble that may be causing the abnormal func tions and disorders in your body. By freeing the “blocked nerves” the chiropractor releases nature's wonderful healing power. At The Kale Clinics Results Are What Count. HWY. 176S. TRYON, N.C. 859-5852 The Kale Chiropractic Dav Clinics are the first and largest complex of Chiropractic Clinics in the Carolinas. Here patients from the entire southeast receive the most modern chiropractic care available in an atmosphere ^conductive to better health