k undignified.) If I was late he would perch on a nearby tree and scold like a banshee — cheepcheepcheep CHEEP! chirp chirp chirp SQUAWK! By then even good spouse Bory had learned to recognize his call. Some ten feet either side of our front entrance we have two hanging tubular bird feeders. When you go out the feeding birds scatter in all directions but, if you stop and stand perfectly still for a bit, they will start to come back and. if you do not turn your head too quickly, you may get quite a close look at them. Doing this one day late in the fall I suddenly realized that my friend was on the left feeder scolding as usual for me to start out. I had barely begun to turn to look when, out of the corner of my eye. I saw him take off TOWARD me! Next thing I knew he landed on the high sheepskin collar of my heavy reefer coat and gave out a screech directly into my hearing aid, a screech that, to me, would put to shame the loudest train whistle. Needless to say I gave a mighty leap and hastened to start walking forthwith. I am still not sure, but my fleeting glimpse placed his size LB. HEAVY WUTCANOAAJN-FIDMEF SIRLOIN TIPS? iSK^P® CAMPBELLS PORK & BEANS 3^88 c SAVE w\ ccxomsum ^^ | Do Bettor AI A*P COPPER CLAD STAINLESS STEEL A&P , COFFEE 4 QUART SMS' DUTCH OVEN “* ,.„, -T.con. •-^“■J — $ IO 99 fesWE30*J| K SAVE 50 ^ [ ew»t»u>MAtu» 1 | «*•• I I OUR OWN 1 1 wu»0 I I EIGHT O CLOCK ’ ICED TEA 1 IINSTANTCOFFEEI ' Mix ; I^M 59 1 I^2 49 i 1 CAN 4 A 1 '“ ^ ~ “^ '2 1 IP CALIFORNIA'BKJBWtrr U»Ci0U»M STRAWBERRIES ^M Tryon Theater 859-6811 7:30 p.m. 24 Hr, Answering Service Wed. Is Buck Nite Now Thru Sunday SUNKIST CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES SLICED BACON*! 1 A&P QUALITY HEAVY WESTERN GRAIN-FED BEEF ROUND ^ STEAK FULL CUT ^rj Q}5 BONEIN LB. * ^ ANN PACE—REALLY FJNE ^^ MAYONNAISES SAVE 40«» ^AR @SC0 / \ ANN PAGE —REALLY FINE n MAYONNAISE w=_ a 69^ G2B ONLY ROE •• SIZE 4 8'0m99* ^^^ PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING ^^ AR/SCl CRISCO $|69 3 CAN 1 m ^SAVE 50^ AMO A0OIT1OMAI 0«0R CAN I O3» UUUtHMILK^^^* e . >^^; ^ ^ ,,pillsburyj ^BISCUITS IN OTRS. IES PARKAY cae MARGARINE K^ PARKAY G1 4 Iceberghead; & ETTUCE SAVE FRESH LAMB AND VEAL AVAILABLE AT YOUR TRYON A&P A&P MILK^