1 Press 00 nov C^ws. “ c 23722 IT'S YOUR DUnTO 2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon, North Carolina, 28782 Established January 31, 1928 THE WORLD'S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Member: North Carolina Press Assn. (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Seth M. Vining, Jr., Editor and Manager Th . Bulletin !• pubil» h « d Tryon, N. C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin (USPS 643-360) Phone 859-9151 Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina Vol. 54 — No. 68 TRYON. N. C. 28782 TUESDAY. MAY 6, 1980 12 Pages Today ———-^—^——rr Price 10c Per Copy No official report on the weather over the weekend, but it couldn’t have been nicer. Yugoslav President Josip Broz Tito, who had led his nation for 34 years, died Sunday at the age of 87. Ronald Reagan and President Carter widened their leads Saturday with victories in the Texas presidential primary elec tion. Today North Carolina and three others hold primaries. The Roman Catholic Church has ordered U. S. Rep. Robert If. Drinan, an ordained Jesuit, and other priests around the world to get out of politics, and the liberal Democratic Congressman from Massachusetts "accepts the will of the pope.” He was planning to seek election to his sixth term in Congress. Seven women and two children were trampled to death and 72 other persons were injured Sunday in Kinshasa, Zaire in the crush to get into an open-air Mass celebrated by Pope John II. Genuine Risk, won the Ken tucky Derby Saturday. She was only the second filly to win the Derby in 106 years. Regret was the first in 1915. The Tryon Kiwanis Club will have a roundtable meeting today Continued On Back Page Health Services Wins Award The Health Services Informa tion Center, Inc., of Tryon is the recipient of the 1980 Aesculapian Award for organizations offered by the Western *North Carolnia Health Systems Agency for outstanding achievement in im proving the health of western North Carolina residents. The award was presented to Miss Bertha Blomfield-Brown, chairman, at the WNCHSA’s annual meeting Friday, May 2, at the Great Smokies Hilton in Asheville. The local organization was selected from nominees from all of western North Carolina. The award was made principally in recognition of the organization’s publication and county-wide distribution of the book, "Area Health Services and Resources”, and its sponsorhsip of the Polk County Health Fair. The 1979 issue of the resource book was edited and produced by Mrs. Malcolm Wiltshire; the past Health Fair was co-chaired by Mrs. James Hill and Reagan Ammons. The H.S.I.C. was founded three years ago by Dr. Lionel L. Davis. In association with FISH, and through courtesy of the County Commissioners, it maintains an office in the Jervey-Palmer Building. Additionally it has sponsored “health" speakers, a short weekly program on WTYN, and a fall workshop on stress. Dr Davis is currently heading a Continued On Back Page Assistant Agent Miss Deborah H. Johnson Miss Deborah E. Johnson began work in Polk County on May 1 as Assistant Extension Agent, 4-II. She is a graduate of Western Carolina University with a BS degree in Home Economics. Miss Johnson comes to Polk County from Winston-Salem where she was employed in retailing. A native of Sampson County Deborah is the daughter of Mr' and Mrs. A. B. Johnson of Magnolia. She enjoys tennis, snow skiing needlepoint and plants. Bible Drill And Speakers Tournament The Polk Baptist Association will have its first Associational Training Union children and youth Bible Drill and Speakers Tournament on Tuesday May R (tonight) at 7 pm. at Midway Baptist Church. The public k but invited Graduates Announced At UNC-Chapel HiU The following students from Polk County are among degree candidates for 1980 spring graduation at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Iona Lee Fox, Bachelor of M^ n u "i ^ ursin ^ daughter of Willem V ™ F ° X ° f ^O"- Birhi , Vance McCown, Jr ^ William v' son ° f Mr and am Vance McCown of •o^A^d? 1 ! Gantt - Bache- Mrs. James Mict? 1 ?^ 01 Mr - and Columbus. '' h 1 Gant t. RI. 1, Rescuers Search For Drowning Victim County. LandJ£ Uads 0f Polk lurched and Inman f r °mabout5Dm Adger Sunday ^^ rown cdint^, to hav e S ? nn 8 s carch wa. ^e and bee n Carswell saj^S ^n had si* “‘at some Sheriff he boat Dearie f,J lsher - M entifle d as late? fr ° m Moore. Longing, w as The Re. 0 Ber t * ^ ^a^ are