nov eo 7 ^^ v C 03728 2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon, North Carolina, 28782 Established January 31. 1928 THE WORLD’S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Member: North Carolina Press Assn. (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Seth M. Vining. Jr., Editor and Manager The Bulletin is published Dally except Sat. and Sun. 106 N. Trade St., P. 0. Box 790 Tryon, N. C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin * (USPS643-360) Phone 859-915 ■ Vol 53 - No 146 Weather Monday high 86. low 62 These cool mornings are delightful N C Governor Jim Hunt is with us today At 8 a m he is at a breakfast at the Columbus Presbyterian Church and at 9 a m he will be at the courthouse lawn in Columbus. Bill Hendon. Republican candidate for U. S. Congress was in Polk County Monday with his mule caravan A number of high school football teams open their season Friday night. Polk Central travels to Spruce Pine to play Mitchell and Landrum will hold a Football Jamboree which involves Chapman. Christ Church and Jonesville, in addition to the Landrum Cardinals. Tryon which had some trouble scheduling games this season doesn’t open until Sept. 12th. There will be NO Bulletin on Monday, Sept. 1st. We will print Tuesday's paper on Friday, so if you want an item to go in Tuesday's paper, bring it in early. A news release from the N. C. Highway Patrol urges all motorists to be especially careful over the Labor Day weekend. Continued On Back Page Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina TRYON. N C 28782 A New Arrival Mr. and Mrs Bubber McCall of Landrum are parents of a daughter. Tracy Ann. born August 25 at Mary Black Hospital Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Turner of Tryon. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCall of Landrum. Maternal great- grandmothers are Mrs. Bessie Campbell of Landrum and Mrs. Ellen Turner of Tryon. Tracy Ann has a brother. Benji age 3. The Meeting Place Program Thursday On Thursday, August 28th at 11:00 a.m. at The Meeting Place in Tryon, Mrs. Carl Ganzenmueller will present an illustrated program entitled, •’Hawaii — The Land of Charm.” Guests are invited. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Martin have returned to Tryon from Surf City, New Jersey where they spent two weeks with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. David Martin, Miss Kelly, Chip. Brad and Chris of Yardley, Pa., and their daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stoll and son, Bucky of Columbia, Mo. Eric Pettigrew, who has been visiting in California, is at his home in Tryon before reporting to Chase Manhatton Bank in New York in September. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 27,1980 State Finalist Miss Jackie Blanton Miss Jacquline Denise Blanton, daughter of Mrs. Cleo Blanton of Landrum, has been selected as a State Finalist of the 1980 Miss United Teenager Pageant. The Pageant will be held Saturday, Aug. 30th at the Carolina Inn in Columbia, S. C. Miss Blanton is president of the Junior Choir and a member of St. Luke C.M.E. Church and is active in her school and community. She is a member of the Landrum varsity basketball cheerleading squad and is a volunteer worker at White Oak Terrace Nursing Home. She was a contestant in the Miss Cardinal Pageant and a member of the Homecoming Court. She is Feature Editor of the 1981 Cardinal and a member of the Block L Club and Pep Club Jackie is a senior at Landrum High School. 16 Pages Today Price 10c Per Cop.' Moves Here Paul F. Wheeler, formerly of Vischer Ferry, Saratoga County, New York has moved here and is living at Creekside Farm on Prince Road. Mr. Wheeler recently retired after 30 years as a Professor of Sociology at the State University of New York in Albany. During his tenure there he founded and served as first chairman of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. Later he served as chairman of the Division of Social Sciences, Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and Dean of the College of General Studies. Born in Wakefield, Mass, he did his undergraduate work at the University of New Hamsphire and after serving in W. W. II, earned his M.A. and Ph.D. from Yale University. Mr. Wheeler was married to the late Martha Helen Zink of West Newbury, Mass. He has one son, Parker, who lives and works in West Newbury. Among his interests are organic gardening and ( horse) pleasure driving, both of which he hopes to promote though activities at Creekside Farm. Gaut-Pruette Associates assisted Mr. Wheeler in his move to Tryon. Christy Ramsey has returns to UNC-Chapel Hill where she ° second-semester senior. She' 59 the daughter of Mr. and M ' S Jerry Ramsey of Route Columbus. h